
Bounty Hunter Rewards Dev Blog

Quick find code: 380-381-85-65461453

ll Tobi ll
Mar Member 2023

ll Tobi ll

Posts: 23 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I like this idea of Bounty Hunter but I dont think you can get past those extra rewarding statues, we had in past... Oldschool can't be based on "moneysinks" only.

A system like BH is meant to be a system that brings money into the game (Thats the actualy reason for pking, as you probably know). Without those rewards, people won't be interested into pking anymore or even skilling in the wildy and this whole thing called "wilderness rejuvination" won't work either.

22-Aug-2014 19:47:56



Posts: 698 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Depending on the scope of the rewards Jagex is considering, I would really like to see some form of a "piety" for rangers and mages. Perhaps a weaker form of rigour and augury would be appropriate in order to satisfy the combat triangle? Survival of the fittest

22-Aug-2014 19:54:32



Posts: 5,605 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Some things I like:
- I like how the emblem is tradable. As long as the emblem doesn't translate into a direct monetary reward, that is OK.
- I like the idea of kill streak skulls. Having a *-50 on top of your head is awesome.

Some of my concerns:
- I like the idea of killstreaks. They should appear on your skull so you can go to W2 and show off. If they reset once you exit the wilderness then you can't get a big killstreak :( . But something you may need to avoid is people boosting their emblems by exiting the wilderness to get their target of choice. I think killstreaks should only reset if you die by your target or get killed by someone who has you as a target.

Some of my ideas:
- Some rewards that can be introduced are anti-PJ and anti-rush measures. I think they should be applicable on PvP worlds as well. And maybe some faster spec recharge things to aid in PvP so you don't have to wait for spec.
- Shortcuts are good. What about wilderness tellies? What about buying that Edgeville respawn instead of spending 5M? Just some ideas.

Source: I am a lvl 79 Zerk pure on 07.

22-Aug-2014 19:54:48 - Last edited on 22-Aug-2014 19:58:43 by Novosibirsk



Posts: 407 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I guess I'm fine with it as long as it doesn't sell things from skilling (their own food/potions), or things from PvM (armour/weapons). This just doesn't leave all that much. You mentioned shortcuts in the blog, I guess that'd be fine. Cosmetic status symbols I wouldn't care about. Things that combined with PvM armour drops to have a unique look, or maybe incredibly minor extra stat bonuses? Titles? Hiscores? I should maybe mention I only voted for this version of BH because the question said it was ONLY the target system, even if I didn't see the point in it without some kind of extra reward.

22-Aug-2014 19:55:49

Rudy V8

Rudy V8

Posts: 3,055 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Ideas for shop rewards:
* increased loot from Ent's (they need it the loot from them isnt worth doing them)

* Double loot and XP from the wilderness resource area for temporary time

* Lava dragon scales drop as notes

* perm unlock of 50% off the price to note items at wilderness area

* unlock Chance of runite ores not de-spawning after mining one in the wilderness

* Ability to cheaply purchase teleports on amulet of Fury you can purchase the spell in POH tablet form. From there you can either use it and give your fury 4 charges or take it to the fountain of rune to use it and give your fury 6 charges.
- Locations should be popular areas
* wilderness resource area,
* KBD lair,
* Rogues castle,
* Mage bank banker,
* Lava dragon maze
- increase the ease of people to get to a resource and profit from it, increase the incentive to go there. If the locations are deep wildy they cant simply teleport away they have to fight for their life/loot. TL :D R easy access in, hard access out.

* ability to Enchant regen bracelet to have 10% melee/mage/range damage vs PVM ONLY. damage bonuses apply in wilderness ONLY as well.

* New slayer monster (2 or 3 would be even better) in wilderness the only way to unlock the task is to purchase it with target points.

* Change your skull (when you attack other players) to different colors based on user preference.

* Corrupt staff, has the same stats as ancient staff, but when in the wilderness it gives a 35% damage bonus to monsters PVM

* Corrupt crossbow, gives a 20% damage bonus to PVM, same stats as rune crossbow outside wilderness

* supply packs, (sharks, ppots, bolts, etc)

* Corrupt scimitar: the same as * scim not in wildy but in wildy is better than whip PVM.

Keeping the wilderness active via pvm will help it stay active pvp

22-Aug-2014 20:00:21 - Last edited on 22-Aug-2014 20:08:01 by Rudy V8

Hit A 99

Hit A 99

Posts: 28 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Sounds amazing.

This might sound crazy but.. what if we could gamble the emblem in the same way you can gamble points at Barbarian Assault.

Some items I'd like to see in the shop would be PvP armors/weapons, Skilling Brawlers, Cosmetic Items.

22-Aug-2014 20:21:22

Rudy V8

Rudy V8

Posts: 3,055 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Mod Ronan said :
robetea1 said :
seriuously this pk shop is killing the surprise of the drop it was always exciting to see what ep drop u got back in pvp, which gave an extra incentive

A huge majority of feedback we have received in regards to PvP was that the primary concern of PKers is being able to afford to PK. A lot of the time they spend more money on supplies used than they gain from successful kills which leaves PKing being lacking in rewards unless you are risking fairly massive amounts.

This rewards shop would be a way to offset the cost of those items slightly and allow PKers to keep PKing just as skillers and PvMers can sustain their skilling and PvMing through... Skilling and PvMing.

The rewards should be the loot from skillers. The wilderness is a high risk high reward area but ents for example are not high reward. Theyre good but not good enough to risk getting killed over. Increase loots and increase access to areas where resources are and people will go due to the easy access and take more risks.

Perhaps give ents the ability to drop a new type of log that can be fletched into bolts that work extra well in PVM situations.

Pkers will come and pick off the weak (and use very little supplies for high rewards) and they themselvs will die to stronger better pkers. the cycle continues :P

My fondest memories of when i first started playing are flooded with times i would sit at 20 wilderness by the zombie yard and wait for green dragon bots to run down to teleport. I would ice burst them and kill them because they had no food. loot all the bones and hides and bank. Massive profit for little effort and time but i risked alot of GP wheraz the bots all 3 itemed.

22-Aug-2014 20:22:11 - Last edited on 22-Aug-2014 20:28:46 by Rudy V8



Posts: 12 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Wait, so in pvp, will we still get the other players items like we do now, or will they be lost forever? If im going to pk someone with a dark bow and they are risking that dark bow, I want that dark bow. Same thing with potions and shark, and any tradeable item. It all adds up.

What I am saying is, you are pking, you see a guy risking whip, full bandos, and an ags, if I killed that guy, would I get all his stuff plus the extra item (the badge thing or what ever?)?

22-Aug-2014 20:28:21

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