Something important: make bh world(s) restricted to edgeville and wilderness, so it gives true numbers of people in the wilderness, also this would bring edgeville respawn, all tabs tele you to lumbridge etc.
There needs to be an arrow pointing to the target, and also it should be green if target is on 1v1 or blue if target on multi(?) or make the HUD tell you what range your target is (bank/1-10/11-20/...)
Edit: Bh needs to be an item sink, but not a money sink, maybe you could raise some items alch value, and make it so if you die in the wilderness you only get the cash of alchemy value in the kill, i was trying to think something different but it doesnt come in mind just yet.
Edit2: Someone mentioned the idea of having a full dragon weapon set, maybe that could be part of the update, we need more variety in weapons, weapons that are bad as main weapon (worse than Scim and whip) but good as a special attack weapon! also don't forget about ranged weapons (with some special attacks maybe) and magic too (i dont know how magic could get better weapons)
22-Aug-2014 19:34:38
- Last edited on
22-Aug-2014 19:46:43