Blow pipe is working just fine. It is exactly how they said it would be. under combat 150 it's good. People talking about their ironmans... What are you guys talking about??? Do you just blowpipe everything including bosses??? Hints the equipment rebalance lmao... blow pipe was way op, jagex stepped in and replaced the bossing potential to a new item that needed to be revamped and it deserved to be... go farm for the crystal set, it's not that hard and it will give you more content and a reason to go explore the crystal area's of the game. The crystal bow essentially replaced the blowpipe for higher level monster killing and it finally gave the crystal bow life which it is well deserving of. It has the highest requirements in the game to wield literally but you want the blow pipe to be the op weapon.... This update is a really nice update honestly. And just because 29% of you are whining about the blow pipe being nerfed, look at the fact that they gave us a revamped gear set and weapon that is actually usable and efficient. I still use blow pipe and don't notice a difference at all, just use it how it is supposed to be used, 150 combat and under and go farm for the crystal bow and armor because IT IS OBTAINABLE.... You all literally sound like 5 year olds and comparing this to EOC... I was there for eoc and this is not eoc at all, they are legit reviving dead content and balancing out the weapon system hints "weapon rebalancing".
03-Jul-2021 02:28:06