
Equipment Rebalancing

Quick find code: 380-381-687-66199347

Piano Hands
Jan Member 2024

Piano Hands

Posts: 3,006 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The proposed blowpipe nerfs seem a bit heavy handed and too broad. This could very easily overshoot the sweet spot of balance. One of the main issues with the blowpipe is its ubiquity , not necessarily its power in and of itself . Instead, what about a series of smaller incremental accuracy nerfs to firmly establish it into its primary niche:
high DPS against very low defence monsters

Ideas to play with:

- A negative ranged accuracy stat but higher ranged strength

- Higher reliance on expensive rune/dragon darts for power to disincentivize wide use

- Changing its range

22-Jan-2021 00:56:07

Feb Member 2022


Posts: 4 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Sq shields are certainly still kind of useless, even with the negatives removed. Perhaps giving them +1 strength would give them more use? It would also be nice for the dsq half drop to not be a disappointing drop (especially for lower level players who aren't fighting end game bosses yet), but it would make sense for it to not be too overpowered as well.

22-Jan-2021 00:58:19

Aussie Dusk

Aussie Dusk

Posts: 4 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I agree with all the nerfs EXCEPT THE BLOWPIPE NERF!!!! Simply put the nerf is too much.

Not only do you nerf the blowpipe itself, but you also nerf the darts? Why are you forcing everyone to use rune darts? I'll say the average player cannot afford to use them in the long run.

All your DPS calcs comparing setups were probably done with rigour when >50% of the player base doesn't have that prayer. Its like when you tested Hespori as a low lv farming boss with Tbows - you need to test content for normal players too.

My suggestion: Change nerf from 50% accuracy to 25%, and keep darts the same accuracy as before.

22-Jan-2021 00:59:08



Posts: 597 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Ah yes, let's nerf blowpipe but keep tbow because money printer go brr

Think about how much content is going to have to get affected because of the blowpipe nerf. Fight caves, inferno, vorkath, KQ, raids etc. But because there's super rich players it won't matter to with tbow/dhcb/rigour/sang staff, it's ok to nerf Blowpipe lol.

You guys are seriously pandering to such a small playerbase and I say this as a 2k+ total.

Second, leave blessed d hide as it is. We know this change is for Pkers to kill others more easily (same for dihn's nerf).

Alternatively, just release EoC already. You KNOW we want it.

22-Jan-2021 01:08:41 - Last edited on 22-Jan-2021 01:13:03 by Gulma1

Jul Member 2019


Posts: 525 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Remember in 2012 when you guys implemented huge combat changes without polling it? How did that play out?

I understand you are trying to avoid power creep. But then you want to increase the requirement levels for several items, which is literally creating higher tier weapons (power creep). Why not be a little more creative? For example, BP is very cheap right now for what it can do. Maybe have it require an additional drop from your third raid to attach to it that will make it have the current stats, and if you don't have that item (which degrades) it reverts back to your proposed stats.

I think you guys are just out of ideas for weapons or something and this is the solution -- nerf stuff so you can introduce new items to replace the stuff you just nerfed. This is not a good solution.
Han Solo dies.

22-Jan-2021 01:17:45

Capt Murdoc
Jul Member 2019

Capt Murdoc

Posts: 2 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Nerfing gear to make room for more gear does nothing to solve powercreep. Something will always be best. Taking the current best and nerfing it just replaces what item is powercreeping the others. The proper way to handle these changes are design new content and gear with them in mind so that items that are more powerful have increased requirements, whether hard stat requirements or just by making them more difficult to aquire. Some of these changes are fine but the nerfs to things like bulwark, black dhide and blowpipe are either completely unnecessary or heavy handed to the point of being laughable. These changes aren't gamebreaking things that need to be fixed for game integrity and they 100% need to be polled, otherwise you might as well start adding summoning or EoC for integrity reasons.

22-Jan-2021 01:28:32

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