Seriously Jagex. I don't even have a dog in this fight and it is plain to see this is NOT acceptable. You pride yourselves on "community involvement" but you show your true colors with an update like this.
How can you justify negating thousands of hours players have invested into your game, (a game mind you which claims to poll every update and change to the game), on such a scale like this? How can you justify only NOW, YEARS AFTER these items have been introduced, people have played with them, had THOUSANDS OF HOURS theorycrafting and testing, going in and making massive, sweeping changes to the meta-game, and completely wiping some accounts, and achievements out of the game.
I have supported Jagex through all these years by SUBSCRIPTION on all of my accounts, because I believed in their purpose of determining, only with the help, and direct input from their community, the best course of action for updates, and game-integrity changes.
After all, who know best but the players?
Since Jagex has decided to sidestep their responsibility of thoroughly investigating, and convincing their community that these changes were the best, I see no reason to continue financially supporting this (now Chinese-owned) company.
I will play this game from now, for the indefinite future using only bonds, acquired through grinding in game; making my accounts all effectively free-to-play and meaning I no longer give Jagex ANY money in support of their cause.
I can only hope that one day, this (now Chinese-owned) company crashes, burns, and some honorable soul brings back the ideology which spawned 07'scape to begin with.
You have lost touch of your purpose, even though you yourself claim it to be your only goal. Until you find it again, I cannot in good faith support you financially. I hope you can reassess your position, right the wrongs you have cast, and atone the wholly dismissive way you treat caring, passionate members of your community.
21-Jan-2021 18:12:25