Some of these changes don't seem to crazy, but as an ironman using the bp helps a bunch. I think lowering the bp by half like mentioned is a bit much, especially with dart changes. I'd suggest maybe lowering it by half of the proposed amount so that change doesn't feel to drastic.
I think nezzy faceguard should be left how it is, it has a 1/2k drop rate for jaw off task, which is way lower than the 1/128 serp helm. Which should make it better as its more rare. Could simply increase the slayer req required for basilisk knights.
Prayer bonus on tbow is negligible and doubt the change would effect much. Dhide and dhin's changes were needed so pvp won't cry.
I feel like the bronze to rune changes only effect extremely low levels or f2p, no comments for this stuff.
Some of these changes i feel like too much of a step back for the game, some of the items have had multiple reworks and adjustments already because you guys thought they were too much. I feel a loss of veteran players with some of these changes unless Ed polled.
21-Jan-2021 17:54:08
- Last edited on
21-Jan-2021 17:59:10