
Equipment Rebalancing

Quick find code: 380-381-687-66199347

Mar Member 2014


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I can understand actions that add viability such as changes to chain bodies and med helms. I can understand shuffling the tiers around to place items where they belong based on the power they exhibit. Please for the love of god don't nerf the blowpipe into the ground.

At minimum, don't repeat your old mistakes and at least run a poll instead of just pushing garbage updates without considering your player base.

21-Jan-2021 18:26:11 - Last edited on 21-Jan-2021 18:39:53 by Sanotsuto

Nov Member 2013


Posts: 377 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Can't say i'm anything but disappointed.

It seems you're desperately out of touch, and to not push the proposed ideas on the main page, but instead on social media - and then to propose those changes saying that 10k responses is a lot, and of those nearly only half were actually worrisome was really a snakelike trick.

There is huge nerfs to things such as zulrah items you should have, or could have attended to within the previous half a decade of zulrah being in the game...

or even dragonhide, which has its niche uses for characters such as myself who are based around these items. Destroying dragonhide destroys the metas, and while I do choose to limit myself i feel the nerf on this is far too much and will make these said things just more of an issue.

You're essentially shuffling and changing the game around - again - which ended poorly last time, without actually changing the physical dynamics of combat.

By the way - nice not mentioning the granite maul, ballistas, or anything of that measure, considering your 'integrity' change to things such as black dhide, which does have a HUGE impact on pvp standards, is really low considering thats basically your main selling point on why to nerf dragonhide, leaving other things unattended to.

Long story short you're disconnected from the playerbase massively and its disappointing to see, and it makes me have a big distrust in what your ideas for this game are. Sad to see.

21-Jan-2021 18:27:09 - Last edited on 21-Jan-2021 18:35:00 by Comedy

Oct Member 2023


Posts: 273 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

here's another pvmer's perspective.

In general i'd say these changes are needed and well tought out.
I agree that these matters shouldn't be polled as they won't ever pass.

the only two things i would like to see re-evaluted:

Consider increasing the requirements to equip the faceguard instead of nerfing it's stats bonus.

The blowpipe nerf seems harsh, this will punish low level pvmer's disproportionally hard.
It's severely overpowered in it's current state, but keeping the weapon's strenght at 35 or so while keeping other changes should see it get in line.

cheers for the hard work as ever
best regards
general in Knights Of Pvm 120+

21-Jan-2021 18:28:25



Posts: 149 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Do not change this. It would mean all my work and effort into this would be for nothing. If you want to level it out make new items do not nerf items people worked hard to acquire. This would completely put me off as a player and even could force my hand into quitting. Ok lus everything I have in use of now have to retrain all of it to use it and then it would be worth half as much. Making things cost less and people spending less in game gold. DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT DO THIS! Or you very well might lose many players.

21-Jan-2021 18:30:05

Cold Axe 21

Cold Axe 21

Posts: 1 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I don't think these rebalances are going to affect the game in a sustainable manner.

There are really 3 separate nerfs here:

Blowpipe and other High Tier Items - I agree that the BP should be nerfed 100% but I think that it should be nerfed in a different way. A blowpipe should be effective with high lvl darts still (costs a lot to run), but should be nerfed for mith and addy darts which are dirt cheap.

This also does not address the bigger issue that more and more of the powerful items are coming into the game on a consistent basis and therefore their prices steadily decrease. There is currently no item sink to get rid of some of these items over time permanently (like sacrificing them for something).

The reason why a select set of items are meta everywhere (scythe, T bow, BP) are their costs of operating make them viable in too many areas. The scythe has addressed this by having a cost per swing, but the T bow cost is a dragon arrow which is nothing (and is recovered 80% of the time). A mechanism like having to charge a T bow with something may assist in this by making it not worth while unless you are rich in game to use at lower pvm situations like mole where the income would not be offset by the cost.

Black Dragonhide/Dhins nerf - I understand the frustration with PvPers with these items, but it makes it viable for the average non-pvper to actually go into the wildy without a 100% chance of dying. There is such a large skill gap that I think getting rid of this may kill what little wildy content out there still exists.

Bassalisk Jaw - The final nerf to the bassalisk jaw makes no sense to me as it is already locked behind a grandmaster quest. I like the idea that bassisk knights should just be harder to afk but really no huge concerns on this one.

21-Jan-2021 18:32:09



Posts: 39 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
For the dhide portion, when you say to bring melee gear as an alternative to tank melee, no one and I mean NO ONE in the right mind would lose 2 brews for melee tank to give to the pkers. (Maybe add an attack option to not skull already as an integrity change. Pvmers come to pvm not to pk and get skull tricked).
While you nerf dhide, you mostly see preys get speced while pretator are still on mystic/Xerician gear that has no negative melee stats, please bring that in line with combat triangle. Now for the blowpipe I support it, but please allow now amythst darts as alternative. Irons mainly use adamant and getting rune/dragon is not optimal. This would be a great alternative to get rather than addy.

21-Jan-2021 18:34:51

Jan Member 2024


Posts: 651 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Firstly, I think you guys went a bit crazy with the blowpipe nerf. Perhaps you could reduce it by much less.
Next I want to talk about the dragon mace. I feel this is a great buff to the item. Good job on that.
The dhide nerfs could be tapered down a little as well. As this would mean having to nerf red and green dhide aswell and I don't think f2p players would like that very much.
The basilisk helm does not need a nerf, instead make the monsters stronger. Why would anyone use the neizy if the serp does a better job and has more defensive bonuses. Perhaps you could buff the neitiznot slightly in terms of defence and prayer bonuses. Perhaps a 5 prayer bonus from 3 would compensate for the nerf to strength.
Crystal armour should be buffed in terms of defence, rather than DPS. I feel like the defence on it is a bit awful and it just puts you at a disadvantage at places like DKS.
The dragon necklace buffs are pretty good. I'm happy with those changes.
The prayer bonus on the tbow is a bit redundant. I don't think that's a needed nerf as people who generally use tbow will prayer flick.
Finally, I think the tier changes are fine.
Thanks for reading,

21-Jan-2021 18:40:25

UIM Gladius
Dec Member 2023

UIM Gladius

Posts: 2 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Feedback summary: Mostly negative, i feel like after the changes i'll log into a considerably weakened account regarding black d'hide and blowpipe. As an ironman, its gonna be a long journey till i can reach the weapons unaffected by the proposed changes.


Powercreep changes are required for the health of the game, especially bringing up rarely used equipment to the level of their counterparts.

Warhammer changes look great!

I'm not a PvPer but the bulwark changes look healthy too!

Necklace changes are welcome, still dont plan on using them though


Blowpipe strength changes i think is overkill considering the accuracy nerf. In contrast to the Tbow not recieving a nerf (other than prayer, but not in dps).

High-Tier melee weapons havent been looked at whatsoever, meaning the previously stated bp is now being placed lower than most melee weapons. This makes me feel like you're more likely to take melee everywhere rather than bothering to take any ranged equipment whatsoever.

Crystal bow buff by 5% seems pretty useless consdering you still need the entire armour set and weapon, which is degradable. Crystal bow should see more usage but tying it do full crystal armour seems redundant as its very unlikely people are going to want to use it as such, its the only ranged weapon bar karils xbow that requires armour to function propperly. And if you have the whole set you should be rewarded more than what you are currently being.

D'hide - feel like the magic defense was fine, its below karils.

Personally i'd like to see a scythe nerf. Its the BiS by an absolute margin.

Personally i'd LOVE to see a barrows rebalance. Torags, karils and ahrims are still barely if ever used. (you updated warhammer stats, update torags hammers stats too). I'd love to see full torags as 3rd best behind inquistor mace & bludgeon. I'd love to see full karils (without amulet of damned) being better than Blowpipe.

21-Jan-2021 18:44:03

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