
Equipment Rebalancing

Quick find code: 380-381-687-66199347

Apr Member 2023


Posts: 7 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
It worked for years and now you will nerf so many Gear's and Weapon's, i can understand, that diverse equip very good to a little bit op is, but so many nerfs, you know, that this update many player cost, you destroy many Zerks, Pures and more, you destroy economy...

When her insert this update, i hope the most player leave this game, how incompetent can be her, when her this play in....

At this moment the game ist better than ever, don't destroy it again.

22-Jan-2021 14:03:36

Piano Hands
Jan Member 2024

Piano Hands

Posts: 3,006 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The idea of artificially creating room for future content rewards by killing existing ones feels a bit off. I agree that the blowpipe is too widely BIS to be balanced, but those nerfs feel like they are overkill. Black d'hide nerfs feel heavy handed but can be justified if Karils stays where it is at as pricier, but affordable. Twisted bow ought to maintain its current offensive strength given its rarity but I think a prayer bonus nerf is justifiable. I like the F2P changes though!

Here are some ideas for ways to potentially open the doors to new rewards without needing to immediately swing the nerf bat yet or quite as hard:

What about further upgrades to higher tiers being locked behind something other than a massive wallet? Maybe behind different PVM/related challenges? Like maybe the next BIS sword or whatever is untradeable and needs to be smithed by the player with a smithing (maybe fletching for range and crafting for magic equivalents) level of 95+ where only the components of the sword are tradeable? Maybe one of the components needs to be earned by defeating a certain challenge similar to the fire cape/inferno cape being locked behind their respective minigames? Components could have functionality like that of godsword hilts or zulrah scales.

Ideas: a key is dropped by a raids-like challenge to unlock access to a certain separate boss to solo for charges for a new BIS item with more restrictions like those listed above. Tradeable key acting like a raids 3 equivalent of pray scrolls/avernic.

One niche that has yet to be explored is weaker generalist tribrid armor. Maybe a rare tier 80 armor set that has tribrid stats near some lower tier (rune, mystic, sub-black d'hide) armors combined or something. It could erode the combat triangle in theory but it is never anywhere near BIS for one corner of the triangle and would be very expensive with requirements too high to make it overshadow or compete with those lower tiered armors to impede on their niche.

22-Jan-2021 14:06:53

Piano Hands
Jan Member 2024

Piano Hands

Posts: 3,006 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
If the goal is to not kill old content with future PVM rewards, the nerfs should be done in such a way that does not result in the very thing they were aiming to prevent. I firmly think that establishing the right niches is a good way to go.

22-Jan-2021 14:09:43



Posts: 33 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I absolutely understand the need to rebalance some equipment. I like the buffs to the hammers/sq shields/med helms and whatnot, but the nerfs are REALLY excessive, especially for blowpipe. The Twisted bow nerf isn't far behind in terms of how little sense it makes to remove a +4 prayer bonus off a 1B+ item, smart fricking move.

And every change should be polled. Yes, it's a game integrity change, i understand this, but what YOU don't understand is that game integrity is compromised more by not polling this than by blowpipe being nerfed after what, 5? 6 years? I don't even remember! The game works fine, just adjust some of those bonuses and you can actually release more content down the line without having players deal with underpowered weapons for the rest of the year until we finally get something as op as blowpipe, because regardless of the updates you guys do, you never nail a god damn weapon on release, you either make it useless or it's op as hell, and then we have to deal with THESE SORT OF SITUATIONS because you didn't fix your game in time. I guess that sweet sweet money China wants trumps caring about players that aren't sinking money on RS3 MTX.

You people should do the following:
>decrease some of those nerfs, esp bp
>test your god damn equipment for more than a week next time
>don't excessively nerf things that have been in the game for long.

Btw, mod husky should stop being the one to spearhead all of these updates. He always comes across as an incompetent hack that only cares about ironman content or things nobody wants.

Stop ruining your game. Look at my god damn log on this account. This is a 2007 account. I stopped playing after you removed the wilderness and stopped caring ENTIRELY about the game when EoC happened.

You people are either going to learn to appreciate the loyalty of your decades old userbase or you will stop making money.

This feels like a scam, i bought 3 months worth of membership and now this.

22-Jan-2021 14:19:54

FF7 Rebirth

FF7 Rebirth

Posts: 6 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
When Zulrah was released it was hot content. It was super hot! Blow pipe was a must have to get and so was the Trident of the Swamp. Since Zulrah dropped both of these uniques it was some were you had to go to make money. Or if you wanted to get the drops. They sold for a high cost because they were in high demand. ALSO, Zulrah had a very awsome drop table. Was the place to be. So as a new user doing Ironman mode, I reached the stats and got great equipment to challenge the boss. I lost so many times even with guides from a boss that had been out for multiple years. I was using Ibans staff, I knew I needed to get my slayer up to get trident so I did. That was the day Zulrah drop table got nerfed.... It took me 972 kills to aquire Both the Blow Pipe (921) and Magic Fang (972). thats 972 kills that I did not get full loot for because of a NERF that happened. Years people got to experience zulrah but I wasn't fast eneogh. Now after I finally got the gear its being nerfed. I would not ever recommend changing any gear stats. Once your past requirments it just becomes eh. You act like the only players that play the game are non-ironman. Who can buy a blow pipe for 3m. its 3m because it has been out for years. LOOK AT DRAGON CHAIN. BP is 3m and as awesome as it is. MAKE THINGS UNTRADABLE. then if you have one you worked hard for it yourself. No GRAND EXCHANGE IN MIND. you fought a boss and got a drop yourself, you earned it.

I would make BP (Legacy) means it doesn't change its stats but it is non tradable. Also, if you acquire your own BP its a (Legacy). If you buy one - its stats halved (you found one or bought one does not make you a expert with it) Make this more of the idea you swing towards. Your way of thinking is pretty flat... or make it normal stats if you killed Zulrah (500 times) stuff like that.

Years - I got here, took breaks but this kind of content demotivates.

_- Ironman -_ _- This Is The Way -_

22-Jan-2021 14:22:40

DeviI Lucy
Mar Member 2019

DeviI Lucy

Posts: 2 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Bulwark was already nerfed. I undestand, that this item is useless in pvm, so it is only used in pvp, which makes pkers angry.
So if it is gonna be nerfed, atleast remove it from raids rewards, like it was done with dragon sword, cuz this is already "feels bad purple"

22-Jan-2021 14:23:04

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