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Naturally, we expect discussion as to why these changes aren't being polled. After all, more than half of the survey responders felt that we should poll these changes. The short, honest answer is that this change must happen and if it was to be polled and fail then it would be explicitly detrimental to the game's health.
Let me translate that for the unawares. What jagex is actually saying in their blogpost is that their corporate owners in china demand more money from OSRS and increasing the replay ability of the end game content is the best way for them to extract bonds from high level players for more gp to get more end game content with the new raid they will release. What their corporate overlords don't understand is that these changes will cause another EOC market where many low/mid level players quit/stop paying for bonds high level players buy, and the high level players they were catering to will play for 1-2 weeks after the fact and then leave as well. Resulting in a net negative to the profitability of osrs.
The single best thing jagex can do as a company to increase osrs' profitability is to increase the amount of players overall, which means more people to grind for bonds and to pay for membership. This means catering to those low/mid tier ironmen, catering to those new players who haven't even joined yet, and not rocking the boat of the high level players who pay for bonds.
By increasing the amount of low/mid tier players you are indirectly making more high tier players who get end game content, increasing profitability in the long run. Even if it seems like nothing changes in the short term. Increasing level requirements will indirectly cause more high level players, because of the grind. Decreasing item stats will cause it to be harder for players to achieve those high of levels as easily or at all in the case of some ironmen. I support the proposed level changes, but the stat changes I do not. And overall this should be polled.
21-Jan-2021 19:55:41