
Equipment Rebalancing

Quick find code: 380-381-687-66199347



Posts: 7 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Most changes I agree with accept the Blowpipe. Leave the blowpipe and the darts alone. The blowpipe is a huge part of the game. It’s used in ToB, Chambers, GWD. The accuracy it has barely burns through the minions in the Sara room before Zily spawns during a solo. Muttadiles without freezes would be near impossible solo. You want to rebalance the Blowpipe: take rune dart tips off the smithing table, and lower the drop rate of dragon and rune darts and tips. The blowpipe is only op with high tier darts, which we need it to be for the end game content we do with it. Zulrah scales being cheap as they are doesn’t help it either. So for the blowpipe.. I propose: make Zulrah Stronger, make the tanzanite fang rarer, make less scales drop per kill so the price goes up. And make rune and dragon darts obtainable by drop only. Make the Blowpipe more expensive. Don’t nerf it.. Then it’s only viable to use where the reward is great enough for it.

21-Jan-2021 16:49:47 - Last edited on 21-Jan-2021 16:51:35 by Mawq

Pobrecita XD

Pobrecita XD

Posts: 7 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Regardless of the changes, this opens a precedent that controversial updates could be implemented without community approval, and I believe this is not what was promised to players.

Regarding the blowpipe, I don't feel like it is fair to leave something this strong for so long, have content designed and balanced around it only to nerf it now, specially considering how strong the nerfs are. This will drastically affect Ironmen who will be locked to a rune crossbow for a long time.

Something that seems to be oversighted is that crystal bow is a proposed replacement for the blowpipe, but the crystal helm requirement for the full set doesn't really allow it to be used on a slayer task.

21-Jan-2021 16:49:51

Sep Member 2023


Posts: 103 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The overall requirement changes seem reasonable. Also Black D'hide nerfs make sense however nerfing or better said "killing" the bp in such a way after 6 years is a terrible decision. Giving it slight nerfs might be a good decision but not like that lol.

21-Jan-2021 16:51:38



Posts: 5 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I agree with all the changes, especially the blowpipe and d hide changes. For the price they're so overpowered and leaves very little choice as to what else to use.
The dragon hunter weapons being beaten by a 4m ranged weapon is terrible and the cost of armadyl is hard to warrant vs black d hide.

Since coming back to OSRS (used to play around 2006-2009) the blowpipe has felt very out of place, more something you'd find in RS3.

I hope these changes pass if polled, but sadly the majority of people can't afford Dragon Hunter, Armadyl, Tbow etc so they'll simply downvote and it won't pass regardless of what the game needs.

21-Jan-2021 16:52:43

Proly Tariat
Aug Member 2019

Proly Tariat

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I think the 10 pages of responses within the first couple hours speaks for itself.

I'm not much of a combat-oriented player, so I defer to other folks who do PVM/PVP.

It sounds like rebalancing some metal armors, taking away neg bonuses from med/sq shields, or making warhammers/spears more useful, is viable and reasonable. Not sure if we should make some of the weapon choices the same speed as scimitars though--if you want to make other weapons more useful, probably increase their strength or accuracy, not their speed.

But like, that's the problem. In the end of the day, this is based off a really old game with super weird, niche mechanics. Trying to "balance" it this late in the game will overturn a lot of the combat mechanics we came to know and love (EOC??). If it's made that more than 2 or 3 weapons are usable in whichever combat situation, it defeats the purpose of accumulating an arsenal of high level weapons with different uses, even if that is only for their spec (dwh, crystal hally, etc.)

TLDR: IDK really... maybe some of this, but probably not most of it
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21-Jan-2021 16:53:29

Mar Member 2020


Posts: 11 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I still feel that dragonbone necklace's buff is still underwhelming. Since there is a slight strength bonus, can we add a slight range strength bonus also? Otherwise I can't see much of a use for it.

21-Jan-2021 16:53:56



Posts: 8 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Jagex you have a bigger problem at stake here, and it's actually a problem with the direct reasoning of these proposed nerfs. Making changes to make way for new gear and weapons in the future, but are you going to continue doing this? Nerfing existing content to make rewards of new content relevant and worth it? Is this going to be a cycle? You have any idea how many players will become demotivated from always using a weapon/armor or working up towards it for it to then be nerfed. You want to release raids 3 with new and "exciting" rewards, but are those rewards also going to be nerfed a year, 2 years later to make exciting rewards again for raids 4 or any future endgame content? You guys need to seriously sit down and think this through. This is something that should've been though of before, but can still be thought and acted upon now rather than later or even never.

21-Jan-2021 16:55:24



Posts: 751 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
So I can agree with most of the proposed changes but there's a few things I'm against or just don't understand.

Why is d'hide not getting a magic defense buff if ranged equipment in supposed to be the best for combating magic focused enemies? The drop in melee defense is fine, but if we're looking at the combat triangle, the ranged defense should be lower than the magic defense.

I think the Dhin's needs the melee defense to remain relevant, but I can understand a magic defense debuff.

Finally, the Blowpipe changes are drastic. It shouldn't be the best for every PVM situation, but it's being cut in half here. I can understand that a fast attacking weapon is inaccurate and should reflect as much in the stats, but the upside of inaccurate weapons has to be powerful hits, otherwise it is essentially useless. I could understand a power drop of about 25% and the decreased accuracy bonus to make the rest of your gear more important, but this is turning a T75 weapon into a T60. As for the ammo, I think the accuracy needs a lesser nerf than what's suggested because that essentially turned rune into adamant, dragon into rune, and adamant into garbage. I would propose making some bosses either immune to dart attacks or lessen the damage taken. Really, it's just a short, thin piece of metal that shouldn't be able to penetrate every hide, scale, armor, or whatever the boss is protected by.

21-Jan-2021 16:56:42

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