The direction of these changes is generally a good one, though I think they need a bit of tweaking.
The nerf on blowpipe seems a lot more harsh than I'd have imagined, but I'm not totally against it. I think the damage should stay the same while cutting the accuracy: it's fine to have a powerful weapon against low-defense enemies.
Rather than reducing the strength bonus on the Neitiznot faceguard (which would make nearly no difference whatsoever), how about increasing the Slayer requirement for basilisk knights?
The Dinh's bulwark is not really a melee *weapon* per se, more of a universal tank item. The proposed changes will make a low-value CoX reward even worse. I think it'd be fine with just reducing the melee defenses, or at least not nerfing the magic defense quite as much.
I think the Scythe of Vitur should require level 90 Attack, maybe Strength as well, to better represent its potential.
I'm not against nerfing the Twisted bow, but instead of removing the prayer bonus - which, I agree, doesn't quite make sense to be there, but people are saying it'd change eg. how the Inferno is done - I'd suggest removing or lowering the ranged strength bonus from it. That, or lower the scaling ceiling again.
The nerf on d'hide is fine, people are overreacting to a <10% change. It's just too strong for how cheap and easy it is to get, though I was expecting to see black's accuracy reduced a little bit too since currently it's on par with Karil's. Could even have its Ranged requirement lowered to 65.
I like the new dragonbone necklaces, I can definitely see some players wanting to use them for afk Slayer.
Crystal armour buff seems fine (it shouldn't degrade tho), as do the attack speed changes to metal weapons and stat changes to metal armour. Longswords could still use a slight buff though!
Lastly, to the people saying level requirement increases don't make a difference: it's not so much about the requirement but more of an indicator of the item's power level!
21-Jan-2021 17:05:52
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21-Jan-2021 17:06:46