1) I like the changes to less useful things such as maces, war hammers and chain bodies.
However, there are several other weapon types which never get used because they're just not good enough such as daggers below dragon.
This can also stretch to equipment with special attacks or set effects such as Karil's which lowers agility... Because that is useful, you could instead have a 25% chance that the victim gets frozen for 5 seconds, or something else that might actually come in handy and make the set useful.
2) I like raising the level requirements of the top tier equipment, when all other tiers are 10 levels apart, from barrows to top tier only being 5 levels is odd.
3) I like the nerfing of dhide, that has broken the combat triangle for too long. Nerfing the Dinh's could go either way, it either makes it more playable or just means it is unviable as an option anymore.
4) I think the nerfing of the blowpipe has come from the wrong direction, I think the weapon itself should stay as it is, make the adjustments to the ammunition and double the zulrah scales consumed.
By lowering the stats of the darts you are making it a weaker weapon and by doubling the scale cost you are making it unsuitable for some scenarios and doing so without taking away a really good cheaper range weapon for mid level players who can't afford some of the other options. As I've seen in other comments, mid levels who raid or Ironmen really need this weapon or they will struggle.
Making it level 80 requirement could also help.
Don't forget that this can also be looked at again, if for example in 6 months just before the release of a new raid, it is still considered too powerful then make further alterations. It will be easier to come back and say it is still too powerful than to come back after nerfing it too hard and boost it again.
Don't do as with the Rev caves and implement several changes which each individually could have worked but together just killed the content.
21-Jan-2021 18:55:14