50% reduction on the blowpipe is too drastic. As an Ironman I don't see a problem with how the blowpipe is, it's taken me almost 2 years of gameplay to get it, damn right I'm going to need a good weapon to take on the end game bosses solo.
The black d hide reduction seems a little much too, just make a defence requirement. If anything I'd say Karils needs buffing as there's not much difference to black d hide.
As an ironman in later game you never wear rune or use the warhammers unless its the DWH which is a serious struggle to get, (6.5k dry) and if you nerf the blowpipe it will make the grind worse.
The downside to this, I have played for almost 3 years on an ironman account and haven't gotten close to using end game equipment such as the Tbow, Blade of Saeldor, Inquisitor’s Mace.
21-Jan-2021 16:37:59