
Equipment Rebalancing

Quick find code: 380-381-687-66199347

yo ho sam
Aug Member 2018

yo ho sam

Posts: 1 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
50% reduction on the blowpipe is too drastic. As an Ironman I don't see a problem with how the blowpipe is, it's taken me almost 2 years of gameplay to get it, damn right I'm going to need a good weapon to take on the end game bosses solo.
The black d hide reduction seems a little much too, just make a defence requirement. If anything I'd say Karils needs buffing as there's not much difference to black d hide.
As an ironman in later game you never wear rune or use the warhammers unless its the DWH which is a serious struggle to get, (6.5k dry) and if you nerf the blowpipe it will make the grind worse.
The downside to this, I have played for almost 3 years on an ironman account and haven't gotten close to using end game equipment such as the Tbow, Blade of Saeldor, Inquisitor’s Mace.

21-Jan-2021 16:37:59

Feisty One
Oct Member 2020

Feisty One

Posts: 15 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Returning to OSRS after many years i find it disheartning that i am grinding my ass off trying to get top of the line gear then you nerf the best Range item for me to make money dont nerf the blowpipe.. I understand increasing the lvl requirements but nerfing Blowpipe is going to make Zulrah a dead boss along with the blowpipe and toxic weapons virtually useless.

21-Jan-2021 16:38:23

Feisty One
Oct Member 2020

Feisty One

Posts: 15 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Feisty One said :
Returning to OSRS after many years i find it disheartning that i am grinding my ass off trying to get top of the line gear then you nerf the best Range item for me to make money dont nerf the blowpipe.. I understand increasing the lvl requirements but nerfing Blowpipe is going to make Zulrah and many bosses dead content along with the blowpipe and toxic weapons virtually useless. We have fun by being able to kill monsters dont take a very good way to kill them from us.

21-Jan-2021 16:39:32

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