Notes on PVP and equipment rebalance
The price of entry into PVP is too steep. You can’t get a kill without having equipment which takes a long time to get (torso, void, fire cape, ballista, defender etc). Coming back to RuneScape I at least knew what I was up against but for beginners who want to try PvP, they can’t hope to get a kill. I understand that they won’t be as skilled and so mightn’t get a kill for that reason but with accounts who risk torso etc for the price of a rune plate body, something seems off.
TLDR: you need to grind for untradeables in order to stand a chance pking which negatively affects uptake of new players into PvP.
Full disclosure, I have a lvl 80 rune pure and lvl 50 1 def pure.
I am in favour of pretty much everything in the blog regarding equipment rebalancing. At first I thought “nooo” don’t take away my black, but on balance I think that it probably has been too strong for too long. One problem here though is void not being nerfed along side black dhide. This will further widen the divide between new players giving pking a go and the hard core pking account with powerful/untradeable armour. Result: PvP eventually distilled down to players with absolutely optimum gear (if it’s not there already)
My main irk is my first point regarding uptake into PvP of fresh/new players. My controversial solution would be to have untradeables lost on death. PvP is not about hitting 40 instead of hitting 30. It’s about having fun and being able to find a fight. For this we need heaps of people pking which means you need to level the playing field a bit.
Finally, a story: my first time pking back in 2009 or so, i was fighting a ranger who followed me out of the GE in PvP. We fought, I lost, but it felt fair. He was an experienced pker, I was a main, but we both had armour we were prepared to loose.
My 2c
24-Feb-2021 18:49:16