i can see that you don't like the idea of these account builds , and hate the fact that they can compete with mains. I don't see any counter argument put up by you. I assume that you're a new player that doesn't like being crushed by lower levels. This game is based around the 2007 era of this game , and as they have stated nothing will be approved without it passing polls. Remember they polled like 2-3 skills and it never passed. It should definitely be polled for the integrity of this game. The 10.000 people who polled about this is not the whole community. If you're going to make a raids 3 , then release high tier equipment with it rather than making mid tier items , like what is the purpose of removing already approved content only to potentially replace it with a same tier weapon. Your max hit increases according to your strength level for each weapon. So why not make it like you proposed about dragon warhammer , and make items like ghrazi rapier and blade of saeldor require like 80 str or 85 str to weild along with it's 75 attack requirement. I just feel like having 80 tiers is purposely ruining many accounts that is built around the current meta.
23-Jan-2021 19:14:46