Blowpipe; again, this is a no explanation necessary thing. You’ve literally designed the meta for the last 6 years around this item, and now you want to nerf it to the ground. And it’s not even a proper nerf either, you just want it to be on-par with other things like ACB and DCB. That isn’t even an effective nerf, that’s just you wanting to play god. Most people would agree that yes, the item is overpowered, but at this point it’s a necessary evil. Plus, with your mentions about raids 3, it makes me think you just want to nerf the item so you can release something as strong as it in the future... what does that accomplish? High-ranked players who have already done the Inferno and have raided for billions of GP are the only people who can benefit from this, who have already used their blowpipe as much as they need to and can watch it be nerfed knowing they’ll be able to afford its replacement when it comes out. Mid-level players, however, are totally screwed and you’re doing nothing to help them by nerfing blowpipe. They won’t be able to afford its 100mil replacement, and they won’t be able to beat the Inferno or raids 1/2 without it, and will forever be left in the middle class. Sad times.
Think about the timing guys. RS2 came out in 2004 and EOC in 2012. OSRS came out in 2013 and these changes are being introduced in 2021. Jagex genuinely has an 8-year boredom timer that as soon as it goes off, they’re ready to screw with their players for no reason other than being bored. They’re doing the same thing here. Game-altering changes being unpolled despite 95% of users disagreeing with them. If this isn’t blatant evidence that Jagex hasn’t learned their lesson and will forever keep ruining the game after about 8 years, I don’t know what is.
Jagex learned nothing from the EOC, OSRS was a facade and Jagex has known for years that they were going to ruin it. Period. Them saying “the Inferno can be done without a blowpipe” is proof of their incompetence.
23-Jan-2021 20:53:16