Feedback on low tier stuff,.
Rune Weapon tick speeds.
4 ticks: Dagger (+24 str, +25 stab), Mace (+36 str, +39 crush), Spear (+42, +36 all), Hasta (+42 str, +36 all), Claws (+39 str, +38 slash), Short sword (+39 str, +38 stab), Scimitar (+44 str ,+45 slash).
5 Ticks: Axe (+29 str, +26 slash), Long Sword (+49 str, +47 slash), Pick axe (+29 str, +24 crush)
6 ticks: War hammer (+62 str, +53 crush), Battleaxe (+64 str, +48 slash)
7 Ticks: 2h (+70 str, +69 slash), Halberd (+68 str, +67 slash)
Scimitar is still in a league of its own and this doesn't change anything.
My proposal would be to switch things up so you have more clear tiers to weapons.
Changes proposed:
3 tick: Dagger (+20 str, +25 stab), claws (+30 str, +38 slash)*
4 tick: Hasta (+44 str, same), Spear (+49, +53 all)*, Short sword (+44 str, +45 stab), Mace (+40 str, +45 crush), Scimitar (same)
5 Tick: Axe (same), Pick axe (same)
6 Tick: Long sword (+62 str, +60 stab), War hammer (same), Battleaxe (+64 str, +60 slash)
7 Ticks: 2h (same), Halberd (+68 str, +75 slash).
*higher cause 2h weapon
This would make it so daggers and claws would have some use. You would have the variety of choice based on attack style. Longs word could fill the niche of a slower stab weapon. Hasta wouldn't be left in the dust by the competition either.
Also no love for long bows? Currently the only reason to use is for safe spotting. Why not add some range strength to them?
23-Jan-2021 14:47:37