
Equipment Rebalancing

Quick find code: 380-381-687-66199347

Ryan Rose

Ryan Rose

Posts: 14 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I've read your full Equipment Rebalancing post. I can see that you guys put careful consideration into the proposed item changes, as well as outlining your reasons. I personally agree with all of it.

Updating Bronze thru Rune equipment stats to go along with your game's core combat triangle just makes sense(as well as being long overdue). I now won't freak out if I get a friend to join and find out he's been training for 8 hours with a mace, knowing he could have gotten twice the exp rate with a scimitar.

Updating Dragonhide equipment so it isn't on-par with plate; fantastic.

Adjusting level requirements; I'm on board. I would just dial it back a little. Making something require 85 right now make close your gap to 99 sooner than you want; and we all know no one wants 99 to go to 120. Increments of 7 & 3? Don't do that unless it's set-specific. The equipment tiers being in increments of 5 & 10 are kind of engraved in Runescape. On a side note, it absolutely irks me that crossbows require (whole number)+1 to wield.

Regarding the most controversial item; the Blowpipe. I do agree it should be nerfed. It is almost the only ranged item used in PvM, least to mention ranged training. I do disagree with changing the Darts ranged acc and str bonuses. You know why? They currently match the dart stats themselves. Excuse me, but that only makes sense. There's no reason to adjust those. I know you want more expensive darts to be more lucrative of a dps output, but they already are. 7, 10, 14, & 20 are large jumps. Instead, just change the accuracy of the blowpipe. Still, your proposed numbers are insane. 60 to 30 acc and 40 to 25 str? No one will say yes to that. Keep in mind its shots cost money. Meet people in the middle and they'll like vote yes. Try 60 -> 45 acc and 40 -> 30 str.

Lastly, I've seen other posting about it, and I have to agree. Nerf the whip. It is THE 1h melee weapon. Propose lvl req of 75 and go from 82 to 80 str.

PS: LOVE the mace changes.

23-Jan-2021 07:59:06



Posts: 28 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Please buff longswords while you are at it! They are already useless. Now they will be even worse compared to other weapons. I like longswords... Especially dragon but there's no point using one. Otherwise, I generally support the ideas behind rebalancing! Also bows, especially longbows should be better compared to crossbows and other ranged equipment. One other thing I don't understand is, why 2h swords are so slow. You are already giving up using shield if using one.

On the other hand, whatever you do with OSRS, I really hope that you make polls about it and let the community decide. That's what this game is about and I certainly hope it will be also in the future!

23-Jan-2021 08:59:40 - Last edited on 23-Jan-2021 09:12:05 by Dungortheb



Posts: 488 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
This nerf was long due. Be able to complete the whole game with a 3mil weapon are you kidding? Hello variety? You outdps max melee with addy dart this is totally normal. What the point to go for endgame goal like tbow and scythe when blowpipe tie in dps? You guys are delusional to kept it unchanged. Stop fooling around go make money instead of sitting on this garbage and buy yourself a tbow.

23-Jan-2021 09:42:49

BO Paradise

BO Paradise

Posts: 1 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Can you add a way to combine the Crystal Helmet with a slayer helmet or maybe even the black mask (so it doesn't count as a facemask, ear muffs ect.) Otherwise we lose a powerful tool for slayer and the buff to make up for it wouldn't affect slayer dps with the crystal bow.

I enjoy the idea of full crystal being BIS . I always thought an attachment to the crystal bow that gave it twice the max hit (including crystal armour buff) of a blowpipe with adamant darts would have been a good way to accomplish this. This could use Zulrah scales and be obtained through gauntlet at a much higher rate than the blade of saeldor or a new boss all together. I think this concept would work well with the blowpipe nerf. It's effectively a buff to player strength (blowpipe dps at higher accuracy) but it comes at a more reasonable cost if placed inside the right content, and it's dps is capped lower than current dragon dart/ rune dart blowpipes.

I've also been curious if it would be wise to allow players to combine crystal armour and Armadyl. The resulting set could be an item sink for Armadyl and keep Armadyl relevant when crystal is BIS (the existence of the Tbow and DHCB could do this enough though). I personally would like to have The crystal helmets mage def (and esthetic lets be honest the Aramadyl helm looks odd) and then Range attacks and Mage defenses of the Armadyl pieces., the prayer bonus from crystal armour, and the frail physical defense stats of crystal armour.

23-Jan-2021 11:32:26

KoA Stopgap

KoA Stopgap

Posts: 16 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I totally agree that powercreep needs to be observed and maintained and making updates and changes to equipment is a very smart move, however, the biggest concern I'm monitoring in game seems to be 'playing God' with item prices essentially. Such big changes at this immediate speed is too much for the market to handle with a response similar to irl stock exchange panics! I do agree that item rebalancing is a good idea and needs to be maintained but I think changing items that significantly effects their purpose therefore affecting the bosses/ game events that people use them for might have a very damaging effect on how people play OSRS and perhaps even quintessentially effecting if they play OSRS at all!

Its exciting that you've given us a purpose for the rebalancing; with new raids coming out. A lot of us appreciate that and gives a further element to understanding the process. Having said that, a lot of in game players aren't at the stage to raid yet - the rebalancing will make this process to train to get to that standard will be harsh on those players that haven't had the opportunity to use these resources as they have been purposed for many years. This becomes an interesting dilemma because now you have a kind of class divide where players who have harnessed the powers of these items to train efficiently are less concerned with nerfing whereas those who planned to do so in order to prepare for raids and the new coming raid cannot - this creates a divide similar to the self employed and the furloughed during the pandemic essentially...

Again, I think it is a wise choice to monitor power creep but I strongly advise filtering these updates and changes at a more sensible timeline!

23-Jan-2021 13:37:43

Cicero Xere

Cicero Xere

Posts: 38 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I know I replied earlier in here with concerns but I have one addendum. I personally am a huge fan of my Twisted Bow having that wonderful +4 prayer bonus. But I have to ask how is taking that away an integrity change? It's a nice bonus to a very expensive and hard to obtain item. If you're saying it's too powerful you would nerf it's strength or accuracy, not it's prayer. If you're saying it shouldn't have prayer because it's not a pious item, please explain why all maces are somehow 'pious'. Or for that matter, why all the endgame amulets give prayer. I definitely didn't see a reason for it having the prayer in the first place, but why take it away now? It's an item that deserves it. Don't take away all the bonus. If +4 is too much for a 1b item to you then maybe consider going down to +2 or something?

I'm aware this is a very niche concern and probably not a high priority as it's not that game altering, I just really like it the way it is, and believe the item should keep it's bonus. And there are those in the lore who referred to Xeric as somewhat god level in power soo...... there's that haha.

23-Jan-2021 14:24:30 - Last edited on 23-Jan-2021 14:24:50 by Cicero Xere



Posts: 3 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Feedback on low tier stuff,.

Rune Weapon tick speeds.

4 ticks: Dagger (+24 str, +25 stab), Mace (+36 str, +39 crush), Spear (+42, +36 all), Hasta (+42 str, +36 all), Claws (+39 str, +38 slash), Short sword (+39 str, +38 stab), Scimitar (+44 str ,+45 slash).

5 Ticks: Axe (+29 str, +26 slash), Long Sword (+49 str, +47 slash), Pick axe (+29 str, +24 crush)

6 ticks: War hammer (+62 str, +53 crush), Battleaxe (+64 str, +48 slash)

7 Ticks: 2h (+70 str, +69 slash), Halberd (+68 str, +67 slash)

Scimitar is still in a league of its own and this doesn't change anything.

My proposal would be to switch things up so you have more clear tiers to weapons.

Changes proposed:

3 tick: Dagger (+20 str, +25 stab), claws (+30 str, +38 slash)*

4 tick: Hasta (+44 str, same), Spear (+49, +53 all)*, Short sword (+44 str, +45 stab), Mace (+40 str, +45 crush), Scimitar (same)

5 Tick: Axe (same), Pick axe (same)

6 Tick: Long sword (+62 str, +60 stab), War hammer (same), Battleaxe (+64 str, +60 slash)

7 Ticks: 2h (same), Halberd (+68 str, +75 slash).

*higher cause 2h weapon

This would make it so daggers and claws would have some use. You would have the variety of choice based on attack style. Longs word could fill the niche of a slower stab weapon. Hasta wouldn't be left in the dust by the competition either.

Also no love for long bows? Currently the only reason to use is for safe spotting. Why not add some range strength to them?

23-Jan-2021 14:47:37

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