About time some of this overpowered weapons gets adjusted!
I will also propose to change more of the early game weapons,
and change the defensive stats of alot of the lower and mid lvl
mobs, to encourage use of different weapon types. It has
bothered me that the only weapon with sense to use is the scim.
Blowpipe is not realy oldschool, and it has made all of the real
oldschool metodes obsoleate. Stats and attack styles have
allways been part of the game, and adjusting of these is not EOC.
If people is afraid of not have it oldschool enough, they could
go back to use rune scim and magic shortbow.
This update goes far way to make the game playable for the future,
with room for introdusing new gear into the game. The way to go
further is to make nishes, because that will help to keep a more
stabile marked for gear, since more gear will have actual use in game.
Magic is a little underpowered compared to the cost of use. A little
buff of some magic spells and weapons is due. But, but, these buffs
need not come as freebies. These buffs can come as ingame items,
like tje proposed water tome from the fishing boss.
One ide for the iban staff can be to introduse an upgrade to the staff,
as a drop from a slayer creature inbetween lvl 40-50, since this bracket
dont have so many useful drops. This upgrade will give increased
magic accurasy against non-humanoids.
J-mods keep up the good work.
23-Jan-2021 06:26:02