I only played osrs as uim, so i speak for the iron gameplay
-faceguard- for the pain to obtain it i think it deserve its stats, if you are to nerf it make it more common drop so it would be a good slot to reach better headgear instead of being a top slot. considering it doesn't need talent to loot it (just big rng), i would prefer it to be nerf to leave place for better gear that takes talent to loot.
-twisted bow- i think, even with an attack speed of 7, the twsisted bow would still be too op considering its mechanic.
-blowpipe- darts are supposed to be the fast yet low accuracy part of gear. I think the blowpipe should only have its accuracy greatly nerf so it would be a great training method on low deff monster. that would leave place to crossbow type new weapon for bossing and high lvl deff monster.
-buffing the bad- all your proposal seem legit to me!
-crystal armor buff- YEA YEA YEAHH legit proposed buff, Also I would like to see the crystal armor seeds stackable for uim concern. That would make crystal armour interesting to get since it could fit in one inv slot when not needed. it would be a new mechanic that probably only uim gameplay would benefit yet not too op since the number of shards used to charges the armor must be well calculated to fit its use.
22-Jan-2021 21:25:48