The way to balance the game isn't through nerfs for equipment, it's through new monsters/bosses/raids that DO NOT RELY ON CURRENT EQUIPMENT (Render the blowpipe useless at new monsters). What you're doing would render some items useless, it would also severely affect the ironman community; all they have is the blowpipe for majority of the game, they can't just go buy something. This is quite literally how EOC almost killed RS, had it not been for OSRS, game would be dead. Don't fix what's not broken. I've never seen someone complain about any of these items. To get them you need to do ALOT. and TBH, it feels quite good getting something powerful on an iron as it takes years basically. These proposed changes render zulrah useless, may as well use ibans rcbow from now on. Game is super fun as is, dont ruin it.
21-Jan-2021 21:25:48