
Equipment Rebalancing

Quick find code: 380-381-687-66199347



Posts: 7 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I really really don't understand the dump being taken on DragonHide Armour.

It's like this
"Congrats you got to 75 ranged! Here are some Steel Platelegs"
-the proposed stats for steel platelegs and black d'hide chaps is almost the same. Most people only use the Chaps.

You aren't nurfing the rune plate body, you probably should because having defense is too strong against melee and ruins the combat triangle.

The WHOLE POINT of Black D'hide specifically is that it IS an upgrade, and it IS hard to get for an IronMan and it IS SUPPOSED TO BE GOOD.

For the love of Saradomin, keep ONE GOOD mid level item in the game. PLEASE.
(i'm cool with everything else, and i agree) BUT THE D"HIDE IS WRONG, LEAVE IT BE <3

22-Jan-2021 17:18:39



Posts: 7 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I really really don't understand the dump being taken on DragonHide Armour.

It's like this
"Congrats you got to 75 ranged! Here are some Steel Platelegs"
-the proposed stats for steel platelegs and black d'hide chaps is almost the same. Most people only use the Chaps.

You aren't nurfing the rune plate body, you probably should because having defense is too strong against melee and ruins the combat triangle.

The WHOLE POINT of Black D'hide specifically is that it IS an upgrade, and it IS hard to get for an IronMan and it IS SUPPOSED TO BE GOOD.

For the love of Saradomin, keep ONE GOOD mid level item in the game. PLEASE.
(i'm cool with everything else, and i agree) BUT THE D"HIDE IS WRONG, LEAVE IT BE <3

22-Jan-2021 17:18:40



Posts: 7 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I really really don't understand the dump being taken on DragonHide Armour.

It's like this
"Congrats you got to 75 ranged! Here are some Steel Platelegs"
-the proposed stats for steel platelegs and black d'hide chaps is almost the same. Most people only use the Chaps.

You aren't nurfing the rune plate body, you probably should because having defense is too strong against melee and ruins the combat triangle.

The WHOLE POINT of Black D'hide specifically is that it IS an upgrade, and it IS hard to get for an IronMan and it IS SUPPOSED TO BE GOOD.

For the love of Saradomin, keep ONE GOOD mid level item in the game. PLEASE.
(i'm cool with everything else, and i agree) BUT THE D"HIDE IS WRONG, LEAVE IT BE <3

22-Jan-2021 17:18:46



Posts: 7 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I really really don't understand the dump being taken on DragonHide Armour.

It's like this
"Congrats you got to 75 ranged! Here are some Steel Platelegs"
-the proposed stats for steel platelegs and black d'hide chaps is almost the same. Most people only use the Chaps.

You aren't nurfing the rune plate body, you probably should because having defense is too strong against melee and ruins the combat triangle.

The WHOLE POINT of Black D'hide specifically is that it IS an upgrade, and it IS hard to get for an IronMan and it IS SUPPOSED TO BE GOOD.

For the love of Saradomin, keep ONE GOOD mid level item in the game. PLEASE.
(i'm cool with everything else, and i agree) BUT THE D"HIDE IS WRONG, LEAVE IT BE <3

22-Jan-2021 17:18:46



Posts: 1 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Twisted Bow: Barely even being touched? Seriously? The Blowpipe is being nerfed into oblivion as well as black d-hide, but one of the strongest items in the game is barely being touched. Removing 4 prayer is a slap in the face.

Scythe of Vitur: Being touched even less than the Twisted Bow. I don't understand how Jagex highlighted in this blogpost that gamers felt that the T-Bow, Scythe, and Blowpipe all had too much power creep, and yet are barely touching the 2 strongest items in the game. Another slap in the face.

Toxic Blowpipe: Agreed that the Toxic Blowpipe is too strong. This nerf is a little much though. Would it not make more sense to at least reward players for using high end darts? If you implement this big of a change to the blowpipe, I believe that you will have to rebalance it again within a few months. Again, I don't know why the T-bow and the Scythe were even mentioned in this blogpost. Jagex clearly just wants to nerf the blowpipe, so why not just come out and say so? More transparency please.

Black Dragonhide: I honestly can't believe that the answer Jagex has come up with for power creep is to nerf black dhide lol. I could maybe understand nerfing the melee and range defenses some, but also the magic defense? Also would this change apply to blessed dhide as well? If black d-hide is so op for its cost, then Jagex is seriously overlooking how strong Rune Crossbows are.

Dinh's Bulwark: I honestly don't even know what to say about this. Nobody uses this item anyway except for bones at the wilderness altar. The fact that you are nerfing a useless item is hilarious.

Warhammers: I like this change. It adds some variety. I think that the PvP aspect will be very interesting.

Melee Armor: A good change for PvP. I think that the negative bonus for kiteshields could even be increased some. For PvM it is potentially detrimental for things like God Wars. Would the negative Range attack bonus increase also apply to Barrows armor?

22-Jan-2021 17:18:58

linkz gramma

linkz gramma

Posts: 2 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
as a player for over 15 years, here's my input: as a game gets more competitive and its players become more skilled items do need to be nerfed, and balanced. the dragon hide change makes sense. why does it offer stats that run along side sets like full void and karil? it shouldnt. blessed d hide perhaps could offer better bonuses than standard black? but either way a change needs to happen.
BP changes seem a bit harsh. Its a strong widely used wep and I think it has its place in pvm while being almost useless in pvp. I do agree it shouldn't shouldnt steal all the shine from weps like the acb or even dcb. perhaps a nerf to darts/max hits/ and a lvl 78-80 req. Karil c bow could use a buff (as with many barrows items). perhaps an overall buff to cbows for pvm. solidifying them as the true hard hitting range wep.
Neitz Faceguard, please no. lol. a high level best in slot helm that's hidden behind many quest reqs, skill reqs etc is fine the way it is. serp helm offers better def and venom immunity while only being 1 str + off. I expected frem exiles to be a bit more challenging, but the 20m price tag for the jaw is certainly enough to justify the way the face guard sits as of right now.
ultimately, im in favor of making things more viable (maces, Warhammers, barrows items, etc.) im also in favor of applying different requirements to better align with an item's effectiveness. 60 str instead of attack from dwh? sounds cool to me! 80 range for bp? sounds about right. I think diving into the realm of needing 80 or even 90+ in a skill to equip something is okay. most account builds that need a wep that poweful will already have those respective stats or be grinding to that level.

the final thing i will throw out there and this may be received negatively, is the potential for higher base hp to counter the ever increasing power of weps. perhaps incorporating a way to have 110-120 base hp without effecting the skill of hp itself. maybe? maybe not? cheers! ;)

22-Jan-2021 17:24:28

Jan Member 2024


Posts: 6 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I don't really post on forums or play the game as much anymore, but I was asked by several friends to reply to this, and give my two cents.

First thing: You are clearly doing the wrong thing if there are FIFTY pages so far of people not liking these changes. I heard this was a twitter poll and that's sad if you take twitter into account for doing these things.

Second thing: You've changed the game so much that it doesn't look like Old School whatsoever, like the older days of the game.

Third thing: The blowpipe nerf is far too hard and you guys know it.

Fourth thing: The d'hide/bulwark nerf literally caters to PKers at black chinchompas and other higher level PvM spots and you know it. Whether you care or not, I frankly don't care, but I can see what you're doing and it's blatant.

Fifth thing: You barely touched the twisted bow but you're going to nerf an item that's a stepping stone towards it that costs a lot less? Nice one.

P.S. I don't think I'll be playing the game much anymore if these changes come to fruition. How about working on your AI bots flooding the game (not just regular bots) and venezuelan problem and then we'll talk about COMBAT REBALANCING

22-Jan-2021 17:29:21

Nov Member 2022


Posts: 1 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
BP changes will make make med-level training harder and med-level bossing unprofitable (zul & vor). Dhide changes mess with the core, os game mechanics, will make wilderness less approachable. It's main problem is it can be valid melee gear, why not penalise its use there instead of making it useless - or at least only lower its melee def? Dinh's may as well be removed from the game after this, if you hate the idea of a giant sheild so much just remove it even if it would make the wilderness less approachable to skillers etc. Pkers looking for changes are being rewarded by having to train their attack several levels higher. Crystal improvements show a clear favouring of newer (your current team's) content -> I can see where this is going. You will alter the naustalgia around rune scims etc with the changes to lower lvl items but I suppose the dead content of warhammers etc should be altered and will probably cause minimal damge compared to the rest. This team seems obsessed with changes to justify their pay. Just chill out a bit and slow the drastic updates or ruin the game again. .

22-Jan-2021 17:30:01

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