Twisted Bow: Barely even being touched? Seriously? The Blowpipe is being nerfed into oblivion as well as black d-hide, but one of the strongest items in the game is barely being touched. Removing 4 prayer is a slap in the face.
Scythe of Vitur: Being touched even less than the Twisted Bow. I don't understand how Jagex highlighted
in this blogpost
that gamers felt that the T-Bow, Scythe, and Blowpipe all had too much power creep, and yet are barely touching the 2 strongest items in the game. Another slap in the face.
Toxic Blowpipe: Agreed that the Toxic Blowpipe is too strong. This nerf is a little much though. Would it not make more sense to at least reward players for using high end darts? If you implement this big of a change to the blowpipe, I believe that you will have to rebalance it again within a few months. Again, I don't know why the T-bow and the Scythe were even mentioned in this blogpost. Jagex clearly just wants to nerf the blowpipe, so why not just come out and say so? More transparency please.
Black Dragonhide: I honestly can't believe that the answer Jagex has come up with for power creep is to nerf black dhide lol. I could maybe understand nerfing the melee and range defenses some, but also the magic defense? Also would this change apply to blessed dhide as well? If black d-hide is so op for its cost, then Jagex is seriously overlooking how strong Rune Crossbows are.
Dinh's Bulwark: I honestly don't even know what to say about this. Nobody uses this item anyway except for bones at the wilderness altar. The fact that you are nerfing a useless item is hilarious.
Warhammers: I like this change. It adds some variety. I think that the PvP aspect will be very interesting.
Melee Armor: A good change for PvP. I think that the negative bonus for kiteshields could even be increased some. For PvM it is potentially detrimental for things like God Wars. Would the negative Range attack bonus increase also apply to Barrows armor?
22-Jan-2021 17:18:58