
Equipment Rebalancing

Quick find code: 380-381-687-66199347



Posts: 96 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
No, just no, please. All of these changes will basically make Ironmen not viable for starters. How are we supposed to PVM and upgrade gear with subpar weapons or alternatives.

Why nerf the Dihns, a 2 handed purely defensive shield with little or no offensive capability. It's supposed to be a high tier reward from high level PVM content. Make those changes and you may as well just remove the shield from the game it will be worthless.

The blowpipe, way too extreme. So much content is based around the blowpipe with no viable alternative. Good luck killing the spiders at Maiden without blowpipe in the meta. Just one example.

Faceguard...why? You're telling me the balance of melee is based on 1 strength bonus? Nah. If it's that much of a problem lock the jaw behind slayer, 85 slayer to kill basilisk knights AND 85 slayer to wear the helmet.

There are so many alternative ways to bring balance than being completely destructive.

I hope these changes get polled before they're made. I normally welcome your updates but this time around nothing personal but this is terrible for the game.

21-Jan-2021 19:18:20

Dec Member 2016


Posts: 48 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Fantastic update, what about (re)balancing or nerfing some skills out there. players at the volcanic mine are getting close to 100k with barely any effort compared to someone thats doing 3t4g mining at the quarry, another example is RC someone that does zeah souls gets around 40k xp hr to someone that hires runners for 240k hr, trade disable at the ZMI was a good update but atleast do it everywhere so solo lava runes could become the best method again (like back in the day) this way people like me aren't forced to do skilling services to fund some rc experience (yes its my passion now)

21-Jan-2021 19:21:36

Don Jern
Mar Member 2024

Don Jern

Posts: 2 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I just started playing ironman mode and I'm opening up the endgame content soon (gwd, CoX, other bosses etc.) ironman point of view.

The neitziznot faceguard
Endgame gear , leave it as it is
Maybe it only req 60 slayer but the time it takes to kill them and the amount of prayer pots used on a task is a fair trade. Don't rework the basilisk knights, just raise the slayer lvl instead! 80+ at least

Dragonhide armour
leave it as it is
The only way to obtain it is from hard clue or midgame slayer/bosses
besidea amadyl only karil's leather is better so it's a useless nerf and going to kill the d'hide in the game

Dinh's bulwark
Leave it as it is
As you cannot attack when using it, it's a pretty fair trade for high defence.
You only use it for prayer training in wilderness and the only players who dont like it is pvp because, they want your 26 dragon bones in you inv, because pvp is dead in wilderness!

Toxic Blowpipe
Endgame gear, Leave it as it is
You obtain it from zulrah, a high lvl mid/endgame boss. Hard to learn because of the 4 rotations, uses venom that requires good items, food + pots/spell book.
it opens up the endgame bosses in GWD, COX etc.
only Tbow is better unless you have to fight dragons, then you have DHCB

Dragonbone necklace + bone
Good idea, the item never gets used!
Not fan of the prayer lvl change but this buff will surely give it more potential in the game!

Warhammers, maces, spears, hastae and Metal armour
Good idea, give them a purpose in the game

First of all, Your survay team is dead wrong.
You need your focus on buff early and mid game and items that is not beieng used.

Nerfing endgame gear will result in great player base loss I guarantee that!
You will proably entertain high tier players for a week or 2 and they buy bonds from GE to pay for membership. The new and mid tier players pays for membership from credit card like myself because I support the game. Who do you prefer to keep playing?

Remember new expansion from WoW is coming

21-Jan-2021 19:21:39

Lucy HFilia

Lucy HFilia

Posts: 308 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
A few things:

I’m actually happy the blowpipe is receiving a nerf. I haven’t actually used it at all in any of my endgame adventures. The magic shortbow(i) has become my best friend, though.

In leagues, I didn’t use it either. I did okay bossing using primarily melee (that whip was my best friend). So I find it hard to believe ironmen are complaining that the blowpipe nerf is a huge blow, when melee has actually always been the meta if you can figure out how to time your hits correctly (walking under the boss, tick prayer which I admittedly still can’t do properly). My one concern is if blessed d’hide is also getting reduced stats? Because then that can be an annoying problem for irons considering it is rarer (clue scroll reward) and extremely useful in godwars dungeon.

I’m happy that we may also no longer be early scim-scape. Those changes to weapon speeds are greatly needed.

I like that the med helms/sq shields will also be more of a ranging item now. I’ve already used them as that so having them fit the niche better works.

Also thanks for making Dinh’s bulwark a less magic-defensive item. I was getting real concerned when the best way to kill people with the bulwark/arma in soul wars was to range them with diamond(e) bolts rather than mage or melee them.

Yes, please up the combat requirements of the stronger items. Well, it doesn’t affect me, but then you don’t randomly have lower levels out dpsing you when they really shouldn’t be.

Woo-hoo a crystal bow buff. I had already been thinking about using that in my raid adventures, especially now that I finally got my 6th crystal armour seed from the gauntlet.

I’m okay with changes like this being unpolled. I always felt it was jagex’s responsibility to adjust items to help the integrity of the game, even if they are slow coming. The players will always argue against change, but then someone else releases a game guide on a new “meta” setup and everyone stops complaining. So...go for it.

21-Jan-2021 19:21:41

The Torment
Jul Member 2020

The Torment

Posts: 1,770 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Started playing RuneScape in 2004. That game was ruined by unwanted combat changes that weren't polled.

Started playing OSRS in 2017. This game is starting to look the same with these updates.

For the love of your GAME JAGEX, POLL THESE CHANGES.

10,000 people surveyed? That's a joke of a sample size, ESPECIALLY when you are not transparent on how the data was collected or the questions that were asked, specifically in regards to the fact that YOU HAVE A POLLING SYSTEM FOR A REASON! IT IS ONE OF THE MAIN DRIVES OF THE GAME!

But if you're going to hang that out to dry, expect significant portions of your playerbase to follow suit.

I am sick of being toyed with, as are large portions of your community. If you haven't learned your lesson after these many years....then you're just going to let you game die, and become a simple ghost of memories shared by players of "wow, remember that game? Good times until its creators annihilated it."

Your nerfs are abrupt and nonsensical. Want to nerf the blowpipe? Fine, but don't make it borderline useless.

You want to nerf the defenses on d'hide? Melee defense nerfs make sense in the combat triangle....but WHY ARE YOU REMOVING MAGIC DEFENSE?

You want to nerf the high end weapons? This is my favorite one: make Ghrazi Rapier 80 attack, 75 is too low. Seriously, how many people with 75 attack do you imbeciles see running around with rapiers? Come on, did you guys even THINK about this update, or did you just decide to pull numbers out of your asses? It certainly seems to be the latter.

I had so much hope and faith in this game and your development team, I gained so much respect for the mods....and this has tainted and marred it. If this update is ramrodded through without a poll, OR fails to be adjusted HEAVILY, you should expect a lot of your players to say goodbye, if not because of the update itself....


21-Jan-2021 19:26:59

Loud Chaser

Loud Chaser

Posts: 3 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
You talk this sugar coated game to help lower and mid level players starting off but they rely heavily on BP to even be able to participate in gwd don't you see your killing your player base... Just charge an extra scale or some cash smh.

21-Jan-2021 19:28:25

Salty Peanut

Salty Peanut

Posts: 6 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I'm all for increasing the usefulness and variety of basic metal equipment. Maces and spears/hastae are a good start, but why not go further?

I suggest giving 2-Handed Swords a low/modest chance (10-20%, maybe depending on the metal) of nullifying your opponent's next attack cycle, to make up a bit more for their very low speed.

Call it the "You Just Got Hit By A Very Big Sword" stun effect. Something like this would be a good tradeoff for giving up your offhand slot, I think.

21-Jan-2021 19:29:03

iron itg
Oct Member 2014

iron itg

Posts: 94 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
We all know the real reason you won't poll it is because you know it won't pass.

Remember what happened last time there was a heavy-handed attempt to "update" or "re-balance" combat?

I know a lot of people who have quit over the years, and absolutely none of them were driven to do so by the stat bonuses of black dragonhide. On the other hand, many of them did so because of ill-conceived and horrible updates.

Black dhide has been around since 2004. Clearly it is not harmful to the long-term health of the game. I probably have a set that's older than most Jagex staffer's careers on one of my accounts somewhere.

Yes, OSRS has its quirks. Please leave them alone. None of them are genuinely game-breaking, and all of them are old enough now to be well-established pieces of content.

Wanna "modernize" and change everything? Go mess with RS3.

21-Jan-2021 19:30:31

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