I just started playing ironman mode and I'm opening up the endgame content soon (gwd, CoX, other bosses etc.) ironman point of view.
The neitziznot faceguard
Endgame gear , leave it as it is
Maybe it only req 60 slayer but the time it takes to kill them and the amount of prayer pots used on a task is a fair trade. Don't rework the basilisk knights, just raise the slayer lvl instead! 80+ at least
Dragonhide armour
leave it as it is
The only way to obtain it is from hard clue or midgame slayer/bosses
besidea amadyl only karil's leather is better so it's a useless nerf and going to kill the d'hide in the game
Dinh's bulwark
Leave it as it is
As you cannot attack when using it, it's a pretty fair trade for high defence.
You only use it for prayer training in wilderness and the only players who dont like it is pvp because, they want your 26 dragon bones in you inv, because pvp is dead in wilderness!
Toxic Blowpipe
Endgame gear, Leave it as it is
You obtain it from zulrah, a high lvl mid/endgame boss. Hard to learn because of the 4 rotations, uses venom that requires good items, food + pots/spell book.
it opens up the endgame bosses in GWD, COX etc.
only Tbow is better unless you have to fight dragons, then you have DHCB
Dragonbone necklace + bone
Good idea, the item never gets used!
Not fan of the prayer lvl change but this buff will surely give it more potential in the game!
Warhammers, maces, spears, hastae and Metal armour
Good idea, give them a purpose in the game
First of all, Your survay team is dead wrong.
You need your focus on buff early and mid game and items that is not beieng used.
Nerfing endgame gear will result in great player base loss I guarantee that!
You will proably entertain high tier players for a week or 2 and they buy bonds from GE to pay for membership. The new and mid tier players pays for membership from credit card like myself because I support the game. Who do you prefer to keep playing?
Remember new expansion from WoW is coming
21-Jan-2021 19:21:39