Why the heck are you not polling this stuff? If you polled, some of these would pass, like the rune armour, mace, Warhammer stuff. I know things need rebalancing but there are ways to do it like making older gear more relevant. You need creative solutions to rebalancing. My proposals would be
60->50 ranged attack
40->40 ranged strength
Strength stays the same
Dragon, Rune, Adamant get -3 accuracy
Mithril, Black get -2 accuracy
Neitiznot Faceguard:
Stats should stay the same.
Bask knights mechanics shouldn't change, it should just require a higher slayer level to kill, maybe even have a slayer requirement to wear.
Black D'Hide:
Mage and range defence nerf looks too much, especially for the chaps.
28->25 magic defence
31->28 range defence
I thought the biggest problem with D'hide was you could use most weapons with them so maybe they should have negative melee and magic strength (lower max), maybe add slight negative melee accuracy.
Dinh's Bulwark:
A negative 25% to melee defences seems way too much, isn't its purpose to be a tank shield. I get PKers are annoyed by it but they should just bring better weapons. Either leave it as it is or make it a 10-15% nerf. Don't see a problem with the -25 magic defence, just allows PKers to catch more freezes and the player with the shield should already be prepared to tank.
Dragonbone/Bonecrusher necklace:
Buff is a great idea
Crystal armour and bow:
Here's a great solution you're not seeing, as a hard or elite diary reward making so you can get the set effect while wearing the slayer helm. I think being able to make the blade of saeldor non-degradable at a high cost was be an awesome idea, you could do the same with crystal armour and bow making the cost to use free, that way it might find some niche uses for players that can't afford the cost of the BP. Me personally I love non-degradables and will even use them over a better degradable item.
24-Jan-2021 20:01:08