
Equipment Rebalancing

Quick find code: 380-381-687-66199347

Jul Member 2021


Posts: 2 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Again, I cannot reiterate how the people who are happy with these changes are ALL veteran account builds that are probably maxed with a 5 bill+ valued bank. You will 100% lose all your mid-level, casual player base. The favoritism and unfairness of letting people use this gear for 6+ years, then basically saying "sorry new/mid level" players you can't have the same circumstances that we originally had is MESSED. Nerfing the blowpipe to ANY degree is just unfair to people that already had this benefit for 6+ years, when they were building their accounts for 6+ years.

I'm leaving this game with an unequal playing field for mid-levels, compared to older accounts. Just out of unfairness for the older accounts that had access to this gear for 6+ years. You're seriously just increasing the divide for accounts that had these benefits and the accounts that are mid-level; This game is clearly run by biased people of low intelligence, that gives preferential treatment to the top 10%, and absolutely no voice to the other 90% by not even polling on it. IF you truly want more people in the game, then you would leave things as is.

25-Jan-2021 00:09:40



Posts: 2,662 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Just to clarify after proposed rebablancing the level requirements will be:
Nightmare staff - lvl 72 mage
Dragon hunter crossbow - lvl 70 range
Black Salamander -

Toxic Blowpipe -
lvl 75 range

Crystal bow -
Lvl 70 range

...the bulk of other equipment 80+ (pretty much used by maxed mains so no change there)

Instead of upping the blowpipe lvl requirement instead you destroy it and buff the crystal bow?
Instead of buffing the salamander that requires level 70 in all 3 aspects of the combat triangle and close quarter combat irrespective of style used you choose to buff junk

why not poll what to buff and nerf? If buffing and nerfing when does it end?

25-Jan-2021 00:27:55

Oct Member 2023


Posts: 20 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Black d'hide is OP for decades while it costs 10k so good thing you're nerfing that however you shouldn't nerf blessed dhide , it costs substantially more then black Dhide.
Bulwark is insanely OP for only costing 4M if you equip this in singles you're nearly unkillable.
Blowpipe is also OP but you're nerfing it too much I think 15-20% (like you said in the Q&A) sounds too much.. 10% would be okay.
Faceguard should keep 6 strength as it has terrible defensive stats (pretty much same as a rune full helm)
Don't take all the prayer away from Twisted Bow many not godly items have prayer bonus such as the dragon mace (+5) give the Twisted Bow +1 or +2 instead of +4
Round level requirements up to the next 5 or 10 digit ( so no 78 or 82) it has always been like that in RS history.

25-Jan-2021 00:51:57 - Last edited on 25-Jan-2021 00:53:12 by Abstand

Jan Member 2023


Posts: 2 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I'd like to begin by saying that I've played Runescape since 2005 and quit with EOC. I came back with OSRS and have a variety of accounts focused on different aspects of the game. I'm posting for the 1st time since EOC.

These changes are needed. ALL of them, including the BP. Read through all 63 pages of this topic and you'll see a lot of common threads. The one that sticks out is how vital the BP is for successful completion of a variety of the most difficult content.

Step back and think... Why is it so important? Why do Ironmen spend years grinding up their accounts for that specific weapon? The answer is simple. It outclasses everything around it. So much so, that the second and third options(Crystal bow, Armadyl, Dragon Hunter, Karils, etc), are being treated as unusable for the content they want to complete. The number of responses saying, 'Increase the requirements to 90 Range!, or 'Buff xbows, Karils, etc... and nerf the BP by much less.!' is shocking.

The problem is that the weapon is too powerful. No new content is able to be added until the BP is nerfed to be equal to xbows/Crystal (In its niche). Yes it will kill the profit from Zulrah, but it's needed for new content to be added to fill the gap that will be left behind.

Secondly, for those that argue that Jagex should add more weapons that can compete with the BP instead of nerfing.

This is exactly what they don't want to happen. It creates a vicious powercreep cycle of releasing difficult content with stronger equipment, releasing less difficult content with similar equipment over the following year, and then releasing even stronger equipment when the community has a sufficient volume of that tier of equipment.

SO to Jagex. Makes the changes as described, get yelled at by those who aren't happy that their OP weapon is not so over powered anymore, and then quickly start releasing new content to fill the tier in between the BP and the twisted bow.

25-Jan-2021 00:55:57

Mar Member 2006


Posts: 569 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I think you are underestimating the usefulness of dragonhide in pvm, especially against creatures that have multiple attack styles. I don't want the stats reduced for this reason. At least in PVP, you can tell what is coming based on the equipped weapon, not so much the case in PVM. That is what makes dragonhide good for PVM

25-Jan-2021 01:13:53 - Last edited on 25-Jan-2021 01:15:39 by Mypeeps

Nov Member 2020


Posts: 373 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I think my largest confusion is D'hide armor at this point. It's been a staple mid-level armor for a long time and definitely has it's strength (as all level tiers should have at least one thing that outclasses another). But I was just glancing at my new ironman's studded leather and realized that other than some extra range att bonus and mage def, the stats are fairly similar to the proposed BLACK D'hide armor. That seems insane to me considering there are 3 levels of D'hide between these sets.

I honesty think increasing level requirements for wearing it would be better than nerfing, especially when you consider the crafting level required at higher tiers. It's an understandable nerf to some degree, but simply unbalanced in my opinion.

25-Jan-2021 01:51:46

Nov Member 2022


Posts: 241 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
1. I don’t like the fact that the initial polls about power creep were taken on Twitter. I’m sure like myself many other players who don’t use Twitter knew nothing about the polls and didn’t have an opportunity to respond. I kind of feel like it was a sneaky way to just target a particular group of people and the polls were not inclusive to all players. What’s wrong with running the polls either in game or on the old school homepage?

2. Jagex please don’t make the whole EOC mistake over again.

25-Jan-2021 02:17:07

Feb Member 2024


Posts: 3 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
You need to rebalance every peice of gear if your changing some things in between as other worse tiered items will be closer too the nerfed gear making no sense. So a whole overhaul of every item to ensure your integrity and power creep problem.

In this overhaul add new equipment effects and enforce the combat triangle via a system that actually uses some logic instead of +5 etx that way we aren't going EOC way and it's still old school inherintly but not creating the old school broken power creep issue.

People will be angry but if you work from the ground up eg level 1 gear and on and on until everything is as balanced as can be... And makes sense then for new and old players as they wouldn't have the same gear stats as a lower tiered unchanged item as your newly changed item... And who knows maybe boss specific weapons eg boss imunnitys...

Play with it with a similar mind to the mining and smiting rs3 rework but for the actual stats. Then you can actually say the gear is specific to skill tree teirs where it was made from and their reqs. And the slayer lvl/boss drops its all messy.... And these items as you've clearly shown need reteired so naturally everything needs reteired and balanced including drops, skills, item tiers and stats too make complete sense. There needs to be clear defined progression from low, mid to high and endgame content... I cannot emphasise enough how important changes for Skills, slayer levels, drops and item stats and tier to equip or create needs to all make sense.

25-Jan-2021 02:21:54 - Last edited on 25-Jan-2021 02:46:38 by Ortz



Posts: 13 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
You cannot just choose to nerf a weapon that has been out for years. If they wanted to nerf it, they should have done so when it first came out. Thousands of players including my brother and I are goin going to quit if this goes through. Jagex claims they are concerned about the long term health of the game. There will be no OSRS long term if this change happens. It is EOC all over again.

25-Jan-2021 02:23:21

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