I'd like to begin by saying that I've played Runescape since 2005 and quit with EOC. I came back with OSRS and have a variety of accounts focused on different aspects of the game. I'm posting for the 1st time since EOC.
These changes are needed. ALL of them, including the BP. Read through all 63 pages of this topic and you'll see a lot of common threads. The one that sticks out is how vital the BP is for successful completion of a variety of the most difficult content.
Step back and think... Why is it so important? Why do Ironmen spend years grinding up their accounts for that specific weapon? The answer is simple. It outclasses everything around it. So much so, that the second and third options(Crystal bow, Armadyl, Dragon Hunter, Karils, etc), are being treated as unusable for the content they want to complete. The number of responses saying, 'Increase the requirements to 90 Range!, or 'Buff xbows, Karils, etc... and nerf the BP by much less.!' is shocking.
The problem is that the weapon is too powerful. No new content is able to be added until the BP is nerfed to be equal to xbows/Crystal (In its niche). Yes it will kill the profit from Zulrah, but it's needed for new content to be added to fill the gap that will be left behind.
Secondly, for those that argue that Jagex should add more weapons that can compete with the BP instead of nerfing.
This is exactly what they don't want to happen. It creates a vicious powercreep cycle of releasing difficult content with stronger equipment, releasing less difficult content with similar equipment over the following year, and then releasing even stronger equipment when the community has a sufficient volume of that tier of equipment.
SO to Jagex. Makes the changes as described, get yelled at by those who aren't happy that their OP weapon is not so over powered anymore, and then
quickly start releasing new content to fill the tier in between the BP and the twisted bow.
25-Jan-2021 00:55:57