Actually I think the number of people using ancient magicks in a soul wars game can also turn the tides. As well as people running around with their elys and scythes. (I kept getting frozen by “lower combat levels” even if I had arma it does matter...and I had to mage the “tanks” at the avatar because the rest of my team kept trying to melee them to death which wasn’t going to happen).
I think in that regard, I heard a lot of people requesting free runes and bolts because they didn’t want to spend their own. I can understand that, with some players using the spoils of slayer to purchase membership, they wouldn’t have enough to buy the thousands of runes a high level player would get if they could keep all their drops. Maybe a better idea and tradeoff is to offer a table of that and remove xp gainz from the game (much like barbarian assault)?
Anyway, a more fun topic (ie, rewards and fashionscape):
I want nomad’s outfit. He’s absolutely fabulous.
Can I get Zimberfizz’s wings or tail? I don’t know why I want this, but it’s probably from me staring at the old school demon designs again. But I do want them to be visible on my character at least somewhat.
Ranging/magic boots? Maging gloves? Ranging capes? Magic capes? I always feel like there aren’t a lot of options there unless we’re farming clue scrolls to death (or slayer which is honestly like the same thing...I do slayer for clues 90% of the time).
Make it so the supply crates are more likely to drop runes/bolts/arrows? (The thing we’re actually using in soul wars...I’m not down to runecraft 14k pure ess to get back my death and water runes. I’ll be able to play again in like 5 months (obv an exaggeration but also not cus I’ll take way too many breaks) if that’s the case).
Anyway, guess I’ll start round 2 for that pet. Thanks for the pet hunting content!
07-Jan-2021 20:37:44