
Death Changes

Quick find code: 380-381-646-66167448



Posts: 81 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Does the Clue Box have a purpose now? It seems that you keep the Clue Scroll as an item in your grave if you die below lvl 20 wilderness, with or without a clue box, yet if you die with or without the clue box beyond lvl 20 wilderness, the clue is listed in the items that go to your gravestone as coins?

25-Jun-2020 20:27:06



Posts: 6 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Angel2D4 said :

I'd rather see you come down with a heavy hand and issue perma-mutes on any and all hate speech ever reported. YOU decide what's hate speech, and ensure a ZERO tolerance policy is strictly upheld.

Sorry but this comment sounds like it is placed by Government of China...

There will always be assholes in the world, why not try to live with them and ignoring them as earlier, now you want to make people silent in every matter their opinion is not in line with yours.

The evolution of society is terrifying me right now. There is communism and totalitarianism approaching us, western societies, just behind the corner and nobody is seeing that - it is just dressed up in disguise "BLM movement" or "liberalism". And yet, all the politicians, companies and even neutral game studios, like I thought JaGeX would be, are pouring more gasoline on the fire this minority "BLM" has set. We are soon having a system where people are stalking each other, each others' past and each others' words; like STASI in DDR, or like in China or North Korea.
People are getting sentenced over their past - leaders & managers getting fired because of some black face appearance 20 years ago, or dressing up in a nazi uniform in the 1990's, or by using some "strong methaphors" that are misunderstood intentionally. Furthermore, having constructive conversation is not possible anymore in social media with somebody you oppose - you get directly muted if you try to explain your own opinion. In the best cases "the sardines" are digging up your information from the Internet and they contact your boss in hope of firing unwanted person, about what you do on your free time or what you want to say as an individual, when not representing your employer.

I am opposing all the social movements that are trying to narrow the freedom of speech.

25-Jun-2020 20:49:09 - Last edited on 25-Jun-2020 20:54:22 by SlN3d



Posts: 15,772 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
SlN3d said :

I am opposing all the social movements that are trying to narrow the freedom of speech.

I'm not a part of ANY social movements and I certainly don't believe people shouldn't have their own opinion.

The world is filled with different people, with different views, different upbringings and different ways of expressing themselves.

Filters in this, or ANY game and heavy handed perma-mutes of hatefilled rhetoric has ZERO IMPACT on your "freedom of speech".

You can still run rampant irl shouting absolutely anything you so desire while being prevented from typing hate filled rhetoric within this or any other game.

Don't confuse the 2. You are (in any country that allows it) free to say anything you want to say. You are not, however, free to type anything you choose, in this game or any other privately owned and operated forums.

As I go through the internet each day I might very well say "what an ass" in response to something I've read.. but seldom actually type that out.. and if I do type it out, I fully expect consequences and take responsibility for it because it's unnecessary and it's WRONG.

Point blank wrong.

Say what you want. Out loud. IRL.

No need to type it out if it could hurt someone else.

Your mouth has "freedom of speech". Your fingertips, don't.
"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity" -Martin Luther King Jr.

25-Jun-2020 21:38:24



Posts: 214 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Not a fan of gravestones and will not be looking forward to this update. The original death mechanics were/is the best (loot appears for every one after about 2 minuets) until it got changed without a poll.

Gravestones are not needed or wanted and in fact would actually be bringing the game a step backwards. Please do not Ctrl + C this update from EOC-Scape.

Gravestone was a horrible update back then, and it is a bad idea now.

^ Straight from the Offical Rune Wiki. Gravestone are a direct result the removal of free trade.

- Quote from wiki
"For the same reasons as mentioned above(Removal of free trade), we have made changes to how items are dropped on death.(Gravestones)"

So why do we need gravestones now? The answer is that we *dont*. If Hard Core Iron Men are playing the game I don't think this whole death thing is a issue.

I really hope the team reconsiders this update and scrap it. If I had one positive thing to say about this update it would be that Group Iron Man Mode is coming out sooner now.
Meet me in edgeville and pull the lever

25-Jun-2020 22:45:36

Aug Member 2022


Posts: 5 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
So I'm not understanding this update. I died AFKING with Guthans on a slayer task. went back to my gravestone. When I clicked "Loot" on my gravestone and received my 2 combat potions and my slayer gem. I am not sure what happened to my full Guthans, Dragon boots, Obby cape, I had coins in my inventory, alc runes... and I lost all of that? I went to deaths area, nothing in the collection. so even though I made it back to my gravestone I lost 4m in items?

unless I am missing something I am not seeing anything anywhere.

25-Jun-2020 22:57:49

Killing Tank
Jun Member 2023

Killing Tank

Posts: 6,986 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Wr1 said :
So I'm not understanding this update. I died AFKING with Guthans on a slayer task. went back to my gravestone. When I clicked "Loot" on my gravestone and received my 2 combat potions and my slayer gem. I am not sure what happened to my full Guthans, Dragon boots, Obby cape, I had coins in my inventory, alc runes... and I lost all of that? I went to deaths area, nothing in the collection. so even though I made it back to my gravestone I lost 4m in items?

unless I am missing something I am not seeing anything anywhere.

The only time you need to go see Death is when you do not make it in time to your Gravestone (it crumbles) when you went to your Gravestone it should show a dialogue where you pay a certain fee to loot back your items (please look at the update post and watch the Youtube video by Chris Archie (very informative)

26-Jun-2020 00:52:10

Chair Odor
Dec Member 2022

Chair Odor

Posts: 2 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Abominable changes to death mechanics. The game was so much more enjoyable to play before this. I never even did anything but skill before, and now I probably won't do much else again.

I have so many questions. Why is this just a shittily implemented GP sink that nobody ever asked for? Why does death need to be more punishing than losing the supplies/charges/durability you used? Have you people played other games? Are you all unaware of how expensive pvm supplies are? Good job Jagex, way to listen to your fans. Next time please include an option more specific than "something else" in your survey.

This should have been an opt-in thing or more ideally never forcefully inserted into the game in any capacity. Worst Change since EOC, when I quit the first time.

26-Jun-2020 02:56:21 - Last edited on 26-Jun-2020 03:06:18 by Chair Odor

UIM Vito
Sep Member 2023

UIM Vito

Posts: 1 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Please keep RS3 out of OSRS. Keep the previous death mechanics as they were. This wasn't polled and most of the players don't and will not like this update!

Please keep politics out of OSRS!! Look around what's going on in this world and what BLM stands for. There's violence, riots, vandalism, looters and thefts with a trail of BLM signatures left behind.

Keep profanity filters as they were. Instead, crack down on 'report abuses' and deal with those players accordingly. Just because certain words will be "filtered", doesn't mean that people wont find a way of using profanity or certain phrases that will offend or mentally abuse other people. If there's a will, they'll find a way.

Oh, and did I mention that the death mechanic update sucks? Yeah, please listen to your community and revert it back to what it used to be. Thanks!

26-Jun-2020 05:30:14

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