Please keep RS3 out of OSRS. Keep the previous death mechanics as they were. This wasn't polled and most of the players don't and will not like this update!
Please keep politics out of OSRS!! Look around what's going on in this world and what BLM stands for. There's violence, riots, vandalism, looters and thefts with a trail of BLM signatures left behind.
Keep profanity filters as they were. Instead, crack down on 'report abuses' and deal with those players accordingly. Just because certain words will be "filtered", doesn't mean that people wont find a way of using profanity or certain phrases that will offend or mentally abuse other people. If there's a will, they'll find a way.
Oh, and did I mention that the death mechanic update sucks? Yeah, please listen to your community and revert it back to what it used to be. Thanks!
26-Jun-2020 05:30:14