part 2
Chat filter:
I don't usually curse in chat, maybe the worst thing from me is an occasional F bomb, in an objective usage (i.e."that's so fked up" ), but not as a personal insult against another player (i.e."fk you, motherfker" ).
But I do want to know, what is the criteria for these hard filters?
Some words I would agree with banning, "n*gger" & "c*nt" for example. There is no call to use them at all & most who do use them don't even understand what they mean & just spam them to be trolls/griefers.
The problem is that almost every word in the language is abused & misinterpreted by the "perpetually offended". No matter what is said, the "perpetually offended" twist it around & claim it is an insult/slur, even if it isn't, & since they're outraged by it's usage they're "righteous victims", even if they aren't really victims of anything. It's an ego thing for them, I think, their way of feeling superior.
So I agree with returning hard filters for some words, but I'm concerned it will descend into stupidity without a clear explanation on what your criteria is for whether a word is banned or not. Especially since many of your players are in the US and, as Oscar Wilde pointed out, "separated by a common language" from the UK.
I once commented how the imps go "poof" & tele away when attacked. "Poof" came out as "****". To me "poof" was just an onomatopoeia, a sound effect, describing the puff of smoke when the imps tele. Apparently in the UK, "poof" it is a slur, & the counterpart US slur, "fag", simply means a cigarette in the UK, so go figure.
You should explain your parameters for word bans & use rational objective criteria to decide if a word gets banned, not just "someone said they feel like it's offensive".
What we obtain too easily, we esteem too lightly, it's dearness only that gives everything it's value.
25-Jun-2020 18:49:10