
The State of PvP Blog

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Posts: 739 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Continued from previous page

You can already max out range/melee gear (Bulwark) and camp mage protect, flicking against specs if vsing tribrid, then switch to hide for splashes when escaping. This would make that so much worse...

nerf black hide - how much of a nerf are we talking? A minimal nerf could be reasonable, but then people could just switch to void if you nerf black hide below the stats of void. Void is already arguably better defensive stats for the leg slot, just most people like the range attack bonus or aren't aware.

LMS changes - Only thing that I would suggest is making this F2P for the non-competitive version, and actually advertising it as so (maybe even create a gold-sink in F2P, by making a 1k entry fee and no prize? - prevent smurfing to a degree). Consider it your free advertising for members. Let them experience how exciting fighting at max stats in members could be, guarantee many players will sign up. All of your proposed changes seem fairly beneficial.

Competitive gaming - I'd personally like to see a competitive castle wars game mode. Give everyone tournament world style loadouts, where they can select any gear etc. Set it to like 20v20 clan mode, with caps on ancient (10) and lunar (2) magic users, remainder of players aren't allowed to use magic within. You could possibly provide team discord servers, so the audience can hear the call-making that influences the plays.

Example of competitive Castle Wars:

BH rework - The problem with the current BH is that you don't need to be risking anything to profit from it, and the risk doesn't need to be proportionate for someone to profit more (tier upgrades).

That could all be avoided if you instead took more of the 1v1 DMM approach and made instanced fights. Players could still pick their gear etc and be assigned random opponents, but change the reward system. Entrance fee (various tiers) winner gets 75% of it.

continued next post
Castle Wars in Theme - A few minor changes to fix cheating
Cross Minigame Reward Shop - Polled December 26th 2013
Mobile Improvements and Ironman PvM Solution

14-May-2019 03:22:30 - Last edited on 14-May-2019 04:40:47 by 4ev



Posts: 739 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Once you hit 5 victories in whichever tier, you would get the entrance fee. Some quick math as an example - 10 wins and 10 losses at a 100k fee is 750k profit + 200k bonus, minus the 1m you lost as entry fees, so net -50k.

However, you would still be getting your loot if you killed your opponents. A teleport would count as a forfeit. Players could use any type of gear they desired, so you might find people risking a lot to ensure their high KDR for that steady cash.

Overall, it would ensure easier fights to be found for those that actually wanted to PK, and it wouldn't harm our economy overall, and would in fact net as a gold sink.

Another option is that instead of cash, we could instead use emblems as entry fees to accomplish the same thing. If you kill your opponent, you'd get your tier upgrade and they'd lose their emblem. If they teleported away, you'd get a 75% chance at receiving their tier. Once you hit 5 wins at a certain tier risk, you'd receive an additional guaranteed tier of that level. Once again this prevents farming, because if you teleport away, you lose your investment. Only people that actually wanted to fight would participate in this, no spec tabbers, no rushers, no emblem farmers, only legit PKers.

One important note, is the system would work off of same tier fights within a similar level bracket. Therefore, emblem farms would get cleaned often enough that they'd become a thing of the past very quickly. With this change, I'd also suggest making all tiers tradeable, to make hunting emblem farmers that much easier.

. Tier 1 - 50,000
. Tier 2 - 100,000
. Tier 3 - 200,000
. Tier 4 - 400,000
. Tier 5 - 750,000
. Tier 6 - 1,200,000
. Tier 7 - 1,750,000
. Tier 8 - 2,500,000
. Tier 9 - 3,500,000
Tier 10 - 5,000,000


Everything I did not mention in these 3 posts, I am perfectly fine with, and believe are good updates. Thank you for reading.
Castle Wars in Theme - A few minor changes to fix cheating
Cross Minigame Reward Shop - Polled December 26th 2013
Mobile Improvements and Ironman PvM Solution

14-May-2019 03:51:40 - Last edited on 14-May-2019 04:34:31 by 4ev

Jakey Boy
Sep Member 2022

Jakey Boy

Posts: 8,238 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
New meta for ensuring you can always teleport away: use your alt to full TB your account. No other person can TB you. Go do whatever you want to do in the wilderness. If you see pkers, suicide on your alt (keeping your alt's HP low will help with this). And teleport. If you start getting attacked, wait until they realise that you're TBed and then suicide on your alt and teleport out.

200M all skills, Trimmed comp Cape, MQC
White knighting"female" forum users is cringey
Always protect "certain community minded people" no matter what!

14-May-2019 06:10:13



Posts: 1 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I hate to waste my time doing this but my god... What is this, is this serious or a massive troll? Black d'hide degradation? G-maul spec using 60% spec bar? Overhead prayers more effective? These three topics have been the same and never been altered since I've played Runescape (over a decade) and it makes accounts less effective that have established their stats based on the way the Runescape has ALWAYS been (and this goes as far back as pre-eoc). This changes the integrity of the game and the way it's played, and honestly will bother me and many more I'm sure of it. I would down-vote many more changes but those three are the primary ones that I believe to be most important.

Second, Jagex should focus on pvp updates that are actually important to the community. Most importantly: D spear glitch? (people losing their bank to lurers/teams. How am I supposed to take anything worth value pking if I've got to worry about a team of 100 spearing me into multi and smiting me out for my prayer without any ability to even protect the item). Revitalizing rev caves? (It's a luring trap/spot ran by massive teams that nobody gets to enjoy for that exact reason). So on so forth..

THIS IS THE MOST CRITICAL PART OF THE THREAD. The last and most important thing I find extremely alarming is that the community needs updates that are 1.POLLED and 2. Focus on the COMMUNITY, not on what specific users with authority decide is best for the game. When OSRS was first reintroduced the idea of a poll based scheme excited me/made me come back to the game and made me think that the game had come a long way in the sense that we would not see drastic changes that would cause uproar amongst the community based on authoritarian views/decisions by the games owners because the COMMUNITY would be the litigators. I feel discouraged by these suggestions/updates and hope Jagex really focuses on keeping the community happy as a whole rather than forcing content down our throats..

14-May-2019 07:01:54

Monte Diablo

Monte Diablo

Posts: 32 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
A few notes on the state of PvP and the aforementioned changes coming from a long time "edge" pker.

As most have noticed, while the playerbase has continued to grow recently, the amount of pkers in bounty hunter low wilderness and pvp worlds near banks has steadily declined. In my experience, there are three main factors at play as to why this is happening.

1. Very high learning curve when learning PvP.

With players having learned to "one-tick" weapons for surprise hits, use ranged-melee to achieve stacked hits and pre-load granite maul special attacks as well as use pid to their advantage in pvp scenarios it is increasingly difficult to survive as a new player to PvP combat and the cost of numerous deaths deterring players from continuing their learning causes them to give up on PvP.

2. 100% Special attack loadout culture.

With the introduction of special attack pools (as well as other ways to refill special attack), the PvP scene has shifted much more into a "one-shot, make it or break it" game where players unload 100% special attack even in a single game tick to have the maximum chance at killing their opponent. If this fails, most break a teleport tab to get to their house to recharge their special attack energy and try again.

This makes for one-sided fights, where only one player has a chance at a kill.

The more old-school option of fights with multiple smaller KO attempts with single special attacks would most likely help revitalize PvP.

3. GP loss even with positive KDR.

Supplies are expensive. Using up an inventoryload of Manta Rays, Super Combat Potion, Super Restore Potions costing 50k+ to obtain a pure kill worth 45k is a net loss game. The cost of supplies also greatly brings down the profits from slightly higher valued rune kills.

Solutions and thoughts:

1. Ranking system that pairs new players together? Hard one to fix.

2. Encourage longer fights? Limit pool use? Granite maul 60% OBV.

3. Remove PvP gold sinks. Needed, but not in PvP.

14-May-2019 07:29:09

Aug Member 2023


Posts: 240 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I think that the f2p tb is perfect. I wish actually snare was also included as the issue in f2p with a bind is that by the time you land a bind on someone there is no time to then use a spell on them before you have to bind again and even less of a chance if they are praying mage.

Considering the prayer increase, before applying it consider the effects on a f2p environment . It is already difficult to get kills in f2p let alone if you increase the resistance further. Max hit for range is 18 and mage is 16 so would be reduced to almost nothing to those praying 1v1 or in multi

14-May-2019 07:29:24

Monte Diablo

Monte Diablo

Posts: 32 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

3. Daily free ration of supplies for PvP combat, especially to help people get started on a budget. Eg. 100 shark, 20 karam, 5 super combat, 5 ranging potion, 5 magic potion, 4 Super restore, 12 prayer potion, 4 brew. All of which could only be used that day for PvP combat.

ps. The overhead damage reduction of 40% is already strong enough, and in most scenarios makes a overheaded player non-KOable. Definately no need to buff these, and there should be some deterrant to overhead prayer use in low wilderness as well as near-bank in PvP worlds.

14-May-2019 07:35:46



Posts: 1 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
About time F2P got tele-block, need to start doing what’s best for the game and longevity of the game instead of listening to polls all time.

Possibly cross bows up to adamant with bolts up to adamant would be fun for F2P to pk with.

Now just fix the hoards of 1itemers in PvP and wilderness in F2P and pking in F2P would be golden.

Don’t @ me I don’t care what you have to say.

14-May-2019 09:34:05 - Last edited on 14-May-2019 09:42:05 by Islandia

Aug Member 2014


Posts: 95 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
why not removing gmauls from gargoylesdrop table to the boss drop table , or either make it crumble into dust after X amount of use or death , then gmaul will rise to a price that is high enough to make ppl think twice before pking with ags+maul , and if they do decide to do it the opponent have a chance for great profit instead of 30k.
that way can solve some of the pvp aspect problems and on the other hand make the gargoyle boss more atractive for non ironman accounts.

14-May-2019 12:58:41 - Last edited on 14-May-2019 13:00:20 by Betelgeuse

Mar Member 2024


Posts: 5 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Why is it so hard to listen to people?

You just try to avoid doing anything what beckon PVP or bots.
ELO system ASAP . NOT those "Lets give one more zammy wine spawn, maybe they will be happy and zero effort from us."

I think Kamran got point with these:








14-May-2019 15:14:39 - Last edited on 14-May-2019 15:18:44 by Earendil

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