Seeing the suggestions to "fix" PvP and the introduction of Warding I am personally moving closer to quitting the game. The drastic RS3 style combat changes as well as un-polled updates were enough to make majority of the player base quit back then, as will be the case with these current suggestions.
1. Granite Maul being overpowered? If you're a low level pure maybe. The problem isn't granite maul, it's the fact that trying to learn P2P pking is nearly impossible due to being up against players that have pked for thousands of hours. There aren't as many noobs as back in 2007, so pking is definitely going to be more challenging.
Nerfing a weapon is NOT the solution to the problem in pking. If this is to be implemented, might as well just remove all special attacks altogether.
2. Black Dragonhide Nerf
Unnecessary, lowering the magic defense of black dragonhide will impact pvmers, and new pkers to the point where any AHK brid will be able to easily kill anyone. Just because a few addicts cried on youtube and reddit doesn't mean we need to ruin existing equipment. If people want to tri-brid they shouldn't do it in salad robes or ghostly's. Black D'hide is the only chance most people have against being frozen every barrage.
3. Wilderness Slayer Keys
Good idea, but this just puts PVMERs against PKERs. The keys should be rewarded as an anti-pking reward, as an extra drop for killing the pker that attacks you on task.
4. Imp Box? Leave it alone.
5. TB cancelling when the TBER is killed? This sounds like a good idea, but it may be abused by clans that suicide their own TBER.
Overall was expecting some re-invigorating PVP suggestions, not the horrible ideas that were thrown at us in this post. I'm disappointed again Jagex.
You did excellent with the Rev Caves, go that route, not nerfing everything.
13-May-2019 23:17:15