At times, castle wars in themed worlds is basically unplayable. There's high level clans ruining it with their 2-3 sabotagers on the opposite team, using alt accs (which is against the rules). This has become a lot less common with some of the changes like making throwaway accounts unable to cade until they reach 500 total in theme worlds, so gj Jagex.
These accounts still don't get banned nearly fast enough, if at all, as some have been reported for years, without a ban.
Another minor issue is that when all the high levels and ancient mages go to one team, it gets quite boring.
Table of Contents
Preface - post 1
Solutions - post 1
LMS Style - post 2
LMS Style (continued) - post 3
More Rewards - post 4
Preface - post 1
Solutions - post 1
LMS Style - post 2
LMS Style (continued) - post 3
More Rewards - post 4
Make it green portal only in theme worlds, similar to what was done with soul wars.
You could also change game mechanics slightly in theme worlds (leave other worlds untouched) so barricades in your own base and outside of your base have separate limits, making it harder to sabotage all the barricades. For example, change the 10 limit to 5+2+3 in theme worlds, 5 dedicated to your castle (defending - key squares, see below - all others inside your base fall into the shared category), 2 for outside the base (scoring), and 3 shared barricades (if any outside the base, it decrements from scorer cades first). This allows for 8 defensive or 5 scoring maximums, realistic uses.
Furthermore, make a display for barricade counts near the collapsed tunnels etc. and color/highlight barricades based on which team placed them (and who placed them), so it is easier to see wasted barricades and who did it. These features could be applied in all worlds.
Examples of Key Spots
Zamorak Spawn

Saradomin Spawn (gap too)

Both Third Floors

Both Flag Rooms

Cross Minigame Reward Shop - Polled December 26th 2013
Mobile Improvements and Ironman PvM Solution
28-Jan-2021 23:29:40 - Last edited on 04-Aug-2022 19:32:29 by 4ev