While I appreciate that Jagex is finally giving PVP the attention it deserves, these updates are pretty weak all around. Before going any further, my biggest annoyance is this idea of turning PVP into a money sink and "health of the economy". PVP does not generate GP (apart from emblems), so a bad pker legitimately loses money pking. Meanwhile, when you die pvming, you don't even lose your supplies, so a god awful PVMer will always be in profit. If health of the economy is the concern, address how low risk-high reward pvming is in this game. I understand the whole ddossing issue that every PVMer cries about, so add a chest like in raids 2 to all major bossing, so deaths=loss of gp but you won't lose your items. Also fix your bot problem, stop acting like PVP makes even a dent on the "health of the economy".
Ok back to PVP,
while I understand the sentiment behind the prayer idea, it will not work in practice. All you do is open the door for even further prayer camping plus ragging is going to be at an all time high. Especially with how weak magic is, everyone will camp range and melee prayer and pking will be even worse. The issue right now is that people do not have to switch prayers not that prayers do not protect enough damage. Buff magic so people cannot camp range/melee and you will make it so better players win more often.
-A black d hide nerf is needed as it is tiered defensively like Karils. However, the more pressing issue is magic. WHY IS IT SCALED TO MAGE DEFENSE LVL? This is such an easy/no brainer fix. It should scale to total mage bonus like everything else. This should be a QOL update and not even pulled.
-I like the idea of raising the price of the gmaul, but make it an item from BH shop, not a 1 time purchase. It should literally be the clamp that was pulled before. Give it a damage boost and reduces maul spec to 50%. If lost on death the gmaul is lost and the clamp remains. Make it cost like a tier 3 in point value (500k ish)
14-May-2019 21:59:25