
The State of PvP Blog

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Eight People

Eight People

Posts: 1 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I can't believe I have yet to see this come up once in anyone's post on PvP. But for solo-PVP without NHing or Hybriding, I believe Karambwans and Guthix Rests are truely ruining it. Think about it, With a proper Manta-Karam-Brew people can heal upwards of 55+ HP. Add Guthix rest and you can do huge amounts of healing in single tick.

So how does that effect Singles PVP? Well the game is no longer about comboing your opponent out. Since even if I was to max hit with my whip every single attack then dds 50+, I would still be unable to kill them because they can eat so much. So singles PVP is simply about surpising your opponent now and going for massive 80+ hp combos. This is why AGS-gmaul and Claw-gmaul combos are so common now. Because you can simply eat so much even if your opponent has 25 hp they can easily combo-eat to 80+ in one tick.

This is the biggest issue I see in single PKing.

19-May-2019 17:00:11



Posts: 753 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Given that the black d'hide armour will be nerfed. Ranged tank will suffer from it a bit. But I got a new idea, that could replace the ranger armor for a mid tier gear. (Stronger than armadyl in defence, but weaker than black'd hide in offense.)

Crocodile splint armor. (head, top, and bottom.) The set risk is 150k-250k in alch price. It will gives the def like obby armor, but way less crush, and magic def.

the requirement would be 65 ranged, And 75 defence.

I also like to add the top and legs armor for the ranger gear. Will be same as red' d hide or a tab bit higher than it, but still lower than black d' hide in offense stats. Something to make the gear strong. But Not OP nor BIS. I hope this idea is Good to go.

On top of it. The croc-splint gear will also hurt melee offense by some amount. Making hybriding not so great.

the items to need to make the croc-splint gear. is runite bars, and crocodile hides. (The hides will not be a 100% drop, but a common drop.) Plus Crocodiles will be less dead content monsters. Crafting requirements should be the same as, or a bit higher than black'd hide.

it would be a defensive variant of black d hide and Karils gear. (Similar to Mystics and splitbark gear.) Good, but not too weak to be useless. but not too strong to be OP.

As for the PVP changes and ideas. Most of it is good. (Some not so good.) but I HATE the protection overhead buff. That buff will make it a more predator and pray mentality. And make fighting back pointless unfair level. Pvmers would feel more inclined to vote no to pvp if that little unfair buff passes. Not everyone can hybrid you know. And some pvpers, just want to pvp casually, Not TRY HARD HYBRID EDGY LEVEL!!

Maybe making some to half of the worlds/severs, being Disabled protection overheads, but only on PVP areas, and Wildy. Would then, be something I can deal with integrity.

20-May-2019 17:55:51 - Last edited on 20-May-2019 17:58:03 by Mr-Wildstar



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dadimlesbian said :
DO NOT INCREASE THE PRAYER REDUCTION FROM 40% TO 60%.... In multi-pking people are already starting to become insanely tanky with crystal+torag legs+torag helm loadouts. This makes them super tanky already. Increasing prayer reduction from 40% to 60% will make these people never die and make multi-pking stagnate. Why do you think 40% isn't "rewarding" enough to pray switch? ITS 40% OF DAMAGE BLOCKED??? Its already OP there is no reason to buff this at all. On top of that who in the hell will die in singles when they're reducing damage by 60%? Absolutely no one. This just shows how out of touch the runescape mods are with singles and multi pking and really only listen to streamers who primarily BH pk. Its evident in every blog post ffs .

Agreed. Who in their right mind, would buff this crap? My guess it is some PVP hybrider, that really wants to dominate everything...

20-May-2019 18:05:59



Posts: 753 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
4ev said :
Once you hit 5 victories in whichever tier, you would get the entrance fee. Some quick math as an example - 10 wins and 10 losses at a 100k fee is 750k profit + 200k bonus, minus the 1m you lost as entry fees, so net -50k.

However, you would still be getting your loot if you killed your opponents. A teleport would count as a forfeit. Players could use any type of gear they desired, so you might find people risking a lot to ensure their high KDR for that steady cash.

Overall, it would ensure easier fights to be found for those that actually wanted to PK, and it wouldn't harm our economy overall, and would in fact net as a gold sink.

Another option is that instead of cash, we could instead use emblems as entry fees to accomplish the same thing. If you kill your opponent, you'd get your tier upgrade and they'd lose their emblem. If they teleported away, you'd get a 75% chance at receiving their tier. Once you hit 5 wins at a certain tier risk, you'd receive an additional guaranteed tier of that level. Once again this prevents farming, because if you teleport away, you lose your investment. Only people that actually wanted to fight would participate in this, no spec tabbers, no rushers, no emblem farmers, only legit PKers.

One important note, is the system would work off of same tier fights within a similar level bracket. Therefore, emblem farms would get cleaned often enough that they'd become a thing of the past very quickly. With this change, I'd also suggest making all tiers tradeable, to make hunting emblem farmers that much easier.

. Tier 1 - 50,000
. Tier 2 - 100,000
. Tier 3 - 200,000
. Tier 4 - 400,000
. Tier 5 - 750,000
. Tier 6 - 1,200,000
. Tier 7 - 1,750,000
. Tier 8 - 2,500,000
. Tier 9 - 3,500,000
Tier 10 - 5,000,000


Everything I did not mention in these 3 posts, I am perfectly fine with, a

Your two post, I mostly like and BH!

20-May-2019 18:28:08

Jun Member 2021


Posts: 461 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Bounty Hunter

As a number 1# Community Creator of all time in Runescape history (From first day of bounty hunter), i must say this isint the best era of the bounty hunter. In original system drops was a lot higher and community was huge. In total over 100000 players was able enjoy of your updates and my communities, but these days there is no possibilities to make that kind system atm. Emblems was great idea, but its currently made for single pking, but worth of risking 170K emblem is not worth of anything for the bigger communities. Searching for target is made to risky or hard. Teleing up with level 9 tier to multi zone is not just worth of anything. In old runescape, we had target arrow and safe zone at level 20 wilderness, wich allowed you to take a look even of higher level wilderness levels. Following these arrows with bunch of friends, was a great journey for PvP players, if not, most of the pkers had public on, asked a fight or did a boxing fight. In current pure communities, these kind of fair system just dont work, because they do not have any kind of reason for that.

Creating these trusted for higher level players was pretty easy for us. First of the F2P crator was runned by me against real world traders, they had 2 chance to die or survive. After that Welfarers and JaJa Legacy in same time owning the both of the account with ancient emblems. Rules of backstabbing or cheating made a permanent ban from every osrs pvp communities. So basically none didint even want to scam in osrs wilderness, because fair pking was more profitable. In current system we have dangerous corporal cave teleport, wich will make multi pking pretty pointless. Channels for emblem farming is mainly made for pures. If we want to bring our bounty hunter community, for old level, the system must be worth of something. Bringing a tier 6 emblem for dharok fight or pking with friends is not the best idea. For F2P no arming this be still a legit way, but not in P2P. =)

21-May-2019 04:07:02 - Last edited on 21-May-2019 04:08:01 by Johnmcdodger

Jun Member 2021


Posts: 461 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
These are the updates i been thinking:

- Arrow system
- Moving east wilderness spot to multi zone, changing hill to a pit. So basically luring to that spot is impossible.
- Level 50 for emblems (Allowing pures to kill these emblem farmers)
- Level 20 games necklase safe spot and bank area (For multi pkers)
- Hats, if you are making cosmetic, make it at least a nicer than eoc. Those was kinda ugly and pking with them made your pvp stats lowered. Even with higher tier or same stats with helm of neitiznot, do not affect economy of runescape. (Balanced update)
- Lucky loots? (Intensive update)
- Penalty bans (Will remove emblem farmers, you gotta fight! =)
- Switching secret passives (Unbalanced for tangles/snares etc.)

In old runescape, u didint have other chance than fight. Sometimes it took even hour or two get your target down. You had to ask your friends for a help, wich made a community the best possible =)


At least 350-700K drop tier in bounty hunter. We do not need 5mil drops, before these
farming systems are fixed.
- Crystal shields to defence to tier 60 items (Even, its 70 requirement)

Ranking system must be level - Low - Medium - High level, otherwise higher level
tier probably cannot find the opponent.

Special updates:

- Elite tier boss to 10-20 people to kill in +50 wilderness with PvP / warding related items. Wich will allow even PvP/PvM clans to kill monsters and other clans to kill those pkers. Current callisto is not just enought. Was talking with couple of jagex group if this is possible with warding updates.

- Bounty Hunter Daily Winner Hat - Getting a rank one for one day is a archievement, so why not hat for next day relax? Unique item wich will be getting for next day use. This will make people to log in everyday in same day and ofc everyone wants to wear that unique item.

Johnmcdodger - Clan Community Leader - Only for Clan Leaders and Communities - Runescape Rainbow

21-May-2019 04:35:44 - Last edited on 21-May-2019 05:41:39 by Johnmcdodger

Jun Member 2021


Posts: 461 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

People wants to teleblock from killing a enemy. Only problem is, people can bug abuse this and kill their own accounts and being teleblocked all the time. Just before entering to lever in high wild, they can just kill their accounts and get away. Wich makes a maxed hybrid or even hell hound pvmer basically immortal from other clans. This must be done 20 square away with text "Teleblock been vanished". If you kill a teleblocker in single or multi area, i think you deserve that kill. I do still not recommend this, because i like the dangerous ways, but for newbie players or bunch of pvm friends this might be useful to fight back! =)

Bounty hunter emblem traders:

Remove free p2p trials for 7 days. Current emblem farming is free for the botters. Other choice make it max 2-4 tier 10 emblems in a day or change possibilities of getting same target twice. None is gonna get 25 tier 10 emblems anyway.

F2P Teleblock:

Many current PvP players are mostly pking at edgeville area, 50 level, altar or rune rocks. Those areas do not need anykind of teleblocking system. These places are way 2 hard and dangerous places for beginner players anyways. So i recommend teleblock for dying for all together in multi area for rising wilderness activity in Osrs F2P wilderness! Reason is pretty simple: 100% change is always better than 0% =I

Korasi (Other people wish?) :

Korasisword was very powerful weapon back in the days. Price must be over 751K in current economy of runescape. 60% special bar with same single and multi bonus differences than old times. This do not affect dharok fights, but will affect hybrid fights a lot, because of magic protection/unknown enemy setup. This do not make much difference from current ballista. Meaning of this, venge pkers will appear again to single area, wich will pretty easily kill a ancient hybriding in lavamaze and pvp world area.

21-May-2019 06:29:52 - Last edited on 21-May-2019 10:35:56 by Johnmcdodger

Jun Member 2021


Posts: 461 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
More about korasi (Main reason for voting no):

In old time, korasi sword was used in level 1-5 wilderness. In current situtation in 50 level emblem wilderness, lower level players or even osrs pkers, do not know how to counter that with magic protection. This will give a huge lead for RS3 Pkers. In current economy this is not a recommended item yet, so we must wait at least 1-2 years for this update. I really like the item, but i must say no for this update current point or at least 15% nerf from the past, wich makes it kinda useless.

Protection prayers

Tanking been made for way to easy. We do not need to make it even easier. Ofc. new players in wilderness cannot use these, but prayer level do not really affect against vs professional pkers. Smiteing up enemies will be much harder. We want wilderness stay profitable and dangerous. Current supplies and loots balance is getting not so worth, so even professional pkers need to start useing monkfish instead of brews soon. Prayer might be helping with that, but current clanning scenarios dont allow tanking more to be more easier.

Looting bags

So basically if want to go wood cutting some magic logs, im allowed to do this in PvP world and bank them later on. This will probably increase a members in PvP world, if you like killing people for magic logs. This will only affect fishing / wood cutting / mining skills. All of the lower level players, dont have permission to those guilds, but still thinking positive ways. Looters been always part of the game, but in current system it do not affect pvp worlds that much.

21-May-2019 07:11:15 - Last edited on 21-May-2019 11:17:06 by Johnmcdodger

Mar Member 2024


Posts: 32 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
-Please make this no poll, it's integrity, every 1 tick 3 hitncombo offers the ability to over hit max hp.

-1m is to low, you'll be looking at the item costing 4m worth of points so 3m seems a lot better.

:Rune pouch breaks not lost.:
-rune pouch drop 750k on death.
-repair cost 1m

:p vm death:
-instead of loot pile, your loot is dropped in a chest
-take chest to a npc to open, cost value could be 5% of item value.
-untradables also lost on death if over 3 item limit/ 4 protected item.

21-May-2019 20:32:34

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