
Warding Design Blog

Quick find code: 380-381-567-66095689

Aug Member 2020


Posts: 5 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Some of the proposed ideas sound really interesting, and while I am skeptical about the addition of a new skill I would definitely be interested in the game progressing and growing.

However, one issue that I take with the proposition is the “kinhunter” robes, I think it’s hard to rationalize that it wouldn’t even be the “highest” tier armor that warding offers yet it will potentially outclass the current BIS for one of the games most lucrative PVM activities CoX. (And if it won’t, then would it be worth even going through the trouble of obtaining?)

I can understand that the venomous armor will do the same for zulrah; so I just can’t help but wonder if those buffed robes won’t ruin the value of our current highest tier robes by making area specific buffed robes.

It’s seems like those ideas were developed by thinking of the hand full of places where magic is actually viable, and in an attempt to make it more accessible, I wonder if it will only be devalued...

I think my thinking lies mostly in line with the value of the items.

17-Apr-2019 07:55:10



Posts: 1 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Adding a resource used for warding as a reward from runecrafting would fit thematically and make both skills tie in to the magic of runescape as a whole. You would expect residue energy from the altars when crafting runes anyway, having this exist as a obtainable resource for warding would be a great addition to the skill. This also might revitalize dead content in the form of using regular altars that aren't ZMI for the best xp rates. The payoff would be a trade-able/use-able resource for less xp/hour and content like the law and death altar might see some use.

Edit: This resource could possibly be made at the ZMI altar but with extremely reduced rates to promote using regular altars

17-Apr-2019 08:21:49 - Last edited on 17-Apr-2019 08:24:34 by 0leaguespace

Mc Ludwitt

Mc Ludwitt

Posts: 5 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I think the conjuring idea is fine, but should be applied elsewhere. The Arceuus spellbook already provides a perfect platform for that kind of mechanic. As it stands the spellbook has such a niche use that it's practically useless unless you want to use it to level prayer. As listed in the blog, it already requires a particular item to conjure each kind of creature, which is the exact same mechanic Arceuus uses with the ensouled heads. So why not implement it where there's already space for it?

17-Apr-2019 08:40:31 - Last edited on 17-Apr-2019 08:42:47 by Mc Ludwitt



Posts: 4 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
To any JMods reading,

Now thinking about how mage armor is brought into the game, I immediately thought of the most obvious answer; draping.

I have no idea where you guys got the word "Warding" or why so much randomness has to go into it. Mage gear is mostly just ROBES which are made with CLOTH/SILK through a process called DRAPING. I would honestly understand if you guys PLEASE reconsider this skill and attempt to do something that seems like an ACTUAL SKILL like you know.. draping.. (This is why people want Sailing. It is an actual skill that can be done in Runescape with all the water surrounding it. I'd like a sail boat in my POH after moving my house to Port Sarim ya dig?)

This could make more than just robes come into the game. Currently there are 2 items I can think of that are dropped by monsters and not made by players which a DRAPING skill could help create. Robes and capes.

As for dropping a "battle ward" .. that's just another form of Summoning.

PLEASE DO NOT DO ANYTHING THAT IS SUMMONING RELATED as I am in the process of writing a very long email to you guys and going over it with some clan members of mine which will be an intent for an idea of a Summoning skill.

17-Apr-2019 09:57:30 - Last edited on 17-Apr-2019 10:00:02 by Ancienter

Mar Member 2018


Posts: 3 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
TLDR: No to warding, like a lot. Add more stuff to NMZ and stop taking everything away to make it dead content. Unhide poll results when you poll warding.

I hardly ever comment on these things but I felt like I had to say NO to warding. It just feels like RS3 invention and just a money/ item sink. You took snapegrass and more from NMZ and I personally didn't like that update at all. Now you're removing more stuff from NMZ? It feels like this is going to be dead content if we keep removing things. In my opinion you should be adding more stuff into that shop to make it more useful. I have over 25m points and growing. The only thing I ever spend them on is herb boxes (and snape grass when it was in there). Which I can only get a few of each day. Yeah I understand that NMZ isn't useful for anything other than training some combat stats and once you're maxed you have no use for it. So let us Imbue our rings, buy snape grass and other things from the NMZ point shop. I know I've not said much about warding. Mainly because IMO NO, just no. I know y'all can come up with a new skill that's neat etc without causing a rift in the game. So many people don't want this, you should definitely un hide the poll results for something this big. and if it only fails by .3% don't implement it like with the resize spells. They only failed by .3% and still wasn't added even though most of the community wanted it FeelsBadMan. You could definitely add the magic amour to crafting, that'd make more sense IMO. Anyways, I'm done with my rant.

17-Apr-2019 10:52:02 - Last edited on 17-Apr-2019 17:26:50 by LI0N CHASER



Posts: 6 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The idea of warding seem really pointless. I think it is another unnecessary skill that needs training. This skill will most likely crush the OSRS community. This skill seems to be more suitable for RS3. People play OSRS for the nostalgia plus the good updates it comes with. However, with this update, the old contents, such as raid 1 and 2 rewards, will be most likely become undervalued.

17-Apr-2019 10:58:33



Posts: 1 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Did Warding already pass the polls or something? Your wording makes it seem like it is a done deal already. Anyway, 2000 character essay is not long enough!

I have a few questions that need to be answered, in my opinion, to justify a new skill in Old School Runescape.

What is the purpose of the skill? Is warding as a skill really needed? By the blog I get the impression that one of the main goals is to rework magic combat and your solution is to just flood the game with more % damage increases? That's quite disappointing, and I don't think item rework warrants a new skill added to the game.

As for more weapons against certain enemies - we already have more thematic and interesting examples in the game, Arclight for example.

Next, magic armor changes. Magic combat is mostly limited to target magic level and, therefor, magic armor is niche at best. This then raises question of magic combat gear rework in the first place, because damage is not the problem, in my opinion. And if you're thinking about reworking magic combat in general, and we all know how that ended up last time...

Area buffs seem interesting on surface but requires immense testing, like several thousand people testing for hundred hours immense. A lot of potential for abuse.

Conjuring - do you wish you had tested ensouled heads more? This is basically a copy of that.

Summarizing rant - From PvE PoW, I don't see purpose behind this skill. Adding more % damage to magic combat equipment does not warrant a new skill in the game, in my opinion, and item rework in general should have a clear purpose, which I don't see behind proposed change(might as well just dump dome % damage on Infinity set and make that minigame useful). Adding more weapons vs certain enemies can be done similar to Arclight or, to a lesser extent, Kraken tentacle. I don't see a purpose for this skill and while some aspects could be interesting additions, most are not and(as history shows) require more testing than you're capable of.

17-Apr-2019 12:52:09 - Last edited on 17-Apr-2019 12:54:18 by averybadidea

May Member 2018


Posts: 47 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Biggest Issues that I have with this content is the combat-related content. This skill was meant to fill in a gap created by smithing, fletching, and crafting not being related to magic, but instead, it is going to completely shift the balance of combat.

One of the battle wards is literally just soul split. This will make current bosses far too easy to kill and will obsolete them extremely fast. Throw in the conjuring and you just have summoning round 2, also making combat far too easy. I get that it's hard to get much harder than TOB/inferno with current mechanics, but a full scale rebalance of combat will kill this game faster than anything. If you want to add battle wards make them specific to a certain location, that way they don't ruin the rest of the game.

I like a lot of the potential benefits that this skill has, I enjoy the concept of the creation of gear, especially some of the newer gear (skull sceptre (i) sounds very cool), more bane-class weaponry would be a nice direction for new gear so as not to devalue some other stuff (except maybe arclight), and making underused gear better a bit better, but some of these additions would ruin mid-level combat, and turn difficult endgame content to mid-tier difficulty.

I know you want to unlock a higher tier of difficulty, you need something more challenging than tob and inferno in the future to keep top-tier pvm interesting, but dont ruin everything in the process.

17-Apr-2019 13:35:39

May Member 2018


Posts: 47 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Biggest Issues that I have with this content is the combat-related content. This skill was meant to fill in a gap created by smithing, fletching, and crafting not being related to magic, but instead, it is going to completely shift the balance of combat.

One of the battle wards is literally just soul split. This will make current bosses far too easy to kill and will obsolete them extremely fast. Throw in the conjuring and you just have summoning round 2, also making combat far too easy. I get that it's hard to get much harder than TOB/inferno with current mechanics, but a full scale rebalance of combat will kill this game faster than anything. If you want to add battle wards make them specific to a certain location, that way they don't ruin the rest of the game.

I like a lot of the potential benefits that this skill has, I enjoy the concept of the creation of gear, especially some of the newer gear (skull sceptre (i) sounds very cool), more bane-class weaponry would be a nice direction for new gear so as not to devalue some other stuff (except maybe arclight), and making underused gear better a bit better, but some of these additions would ruin mid-level combat, and turn difficult endgame content to mid-tier difficulty.

I know you want to unlock a higher tier of difficulty, you need something more challenging than tob and inferno in the future to keep top-tier pvm interesting, but dont ruin everything in the process.

17-Apr-2019 13:35:41

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