Waste of a new skill . Totally should have either happened years and years ago, or not happen at all. Warding will be along the lines of EOC, Summoning, and Wildy changes that make people quit for years. I do NOT want a new skill, and most of my friends will agree. Those of them who do want a new skill advocate strongly against warding. The prices changes in the market for something overdue and yet too complicated to implement without chaos will disrupt the entire game. PvPers already use +2 advantage of some armour depending on what they're doing, we dont need spined armour to be reworked. Its nostalgia. It was always pretty garbage but it looks cool... The amount of bank space I have is already limited. Now add 100 pieces of armour/supplies that i need to bank this 99. There's no room in my bank or in runescape for a skill like this. If this skill passes I'm likely to leave the game for a while. Please VOTE NO to warding.
25-Apr-2019 11:28:26