Also there absolutely needs to be a staff creation aspect to this. Take it off of Crafting and put it in this. Make battlestaves themselves wardable out of some sort of bark then make the elemental battlestaves wardable too, then make the ability to upgrade them to mystic battlestaves as well.
In addition to this, you can add new staves that aren't elemental based or rune based at all, but serve to enhance the combat of magic in other ways, with varying levels of damage modification and attack speed. I like how skull sceptre for example is offensively good versus undead. Claws will be good versus demons. But there is room for more variety of mage weaponry.
Range has choice of darts, knives, bows, crossbows, javelins. Melee has swords, axes, 2handed variants, etc.
Incorporate Wands which have higher attack speed. Incorporate 2-handed staves which are slower but stronger, and have strong defenses on them. The 2-handed staves would have some sort of magical energy shield attached to the staff itself, making it heavier. Come on, make this happen the right way or it won't get 75% vote.
07-Jun-2019 13:26:11