I like the idea behind the Warding Skill, especially the ability to dissolve items. I think it has much potential and will be very beneficial for the economy. However, there are a few things that I'd like to suggest.
Warding should be centred around the ability to dissolve items, make magic armour and imbue rings. I think the proposal behind Battle Wards and Conjuring should be scrapped, as this would make Warding into a combat skill and disrupt the current meta.
Regarding item dissolving, I think items should require a specific Warding level to be able to dissolve them, for example: bronze and iron items at level 1 continuing all the way up to rune ect. at higher levers. I believe this would provide more incentive to train the skill, and make it more useful overall.
Also, certain items should only be able to be dissolved in a specific ward (with the required Warding level), for example:
Bronze, Iron, bows, leather armour ect. - Air Ward - Level 1
Steel, studded leather armour ect. - Water Ward - Level 20
Mithril, Willow Bows - Water Ward - Level 50
Adamant, Maple Bows - Earth Ward - Level 60
Rune, Green d'hide - Fire Ward - Level 70
Granite, Blue d'hide, Yew Bows - Chaos Ward - Level 80
Red d'hide, Magic bows - Death Ward - Level 85
Black d'hide - Blood Ward - Level 90
Levels and items can be adjusted accordingly.
08-May-2019 11:54:37