Hello. I really hope that some of these ideas might be helpful in the future.
: I don't think Old School RuneScape needs another harvestable energy/material that isn't linked to any existing skills. Gathering it from disassembling items seems the wrong way to work around (I understand that you used Invention as your reference). Use runecrafting as a source of vis instead, just like how you mine ores for smithing, although vis would work more or less like a thread works in crafting.
: There are three kinds of runes currently: elemental (air, water, earth, fire), catalytic (mind, body, cosmic, chaos, astral, nature, law, death, blood, soul and wrath) and combination (mist, dust, mud, smoke, steam and lava) which are also elemental runes. I suggest that vis (the energy used in warding process) would be an energy source fused with a combination of an elemental and catalytic rune.
: Like a needle in crafting or hammer in smithing, you need to have a lantern filled with a certain type of runes in your inventory (or worn?) to craft something. You place two different types of runes in a lantern (an elemental type and a catalytic type rune) and every time you create something/use vis energy those runes are used in that lantern (a very similar item as a rune pouch). You can empty the lantern and get back the remaining runes and fill it with different runes later if someone wishes so. There's no need to have different tier lanterns. One lantern is enough that is sold by NPCs or trash drop from a mob. Only what's inside makes the lantern different from others: perhaps different glow for different vis energy/elemental runes and the name would indicate what's inside: i.e. fiery vis lantern. Another idea is naming the energy based on what robe type it (the rune combination) can create i.e. Ghostly vis lantern, Wizard vis lantern, Zamorakian vis lantern, Monk vis lantern, Mystic vis lantern and so on.
25-Apr-2019 14:27:53