"In a new skill I am looking for aspects that make the game feel fresh with exploration or rewards, to improve the overal game experience or combine lots of skills with each other without totally being its own game (dungeoneering). It is not all about making money, but if you don't make money at least get some rewards only able to get because of the skilling.
I agree with you 100%. Jagex, I do like some of the armor rewards ideas that you have, but I don't necessarily think that they fit with Warding. I'd really like a different skill instead. I was thinking something like "Assassin" where you combine Agility and Slayer by having to kill monsters in a certain time limit, or using certain combos or weapons, and unlocking higher K0 potential to NPCS to give the player more satisfaction by being rewarded for doing something dope. We can talk about this more sometime.
Anyway, I don't like to be reading Dev Blogs with all these cool rewards having to be roped into the new skill idea. Dagon'Hai is a hot item, and people would love to see it in game, but I think firstly there should be a way to implement this separately.
If this Warding thing eventually goes through, this will not be the one I am voting for at all. The AoE ideas do not fit the game and will change everything, including all metas. I don't think that the community is ready for that kind of overhaul. Will comment on more posts.
Thank you
25-Apr-2019 21:26:17