
Warding Design Blog

Quick find code: 380-381-567-66095689

Feb Member 2024


Posts: 1 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Battle wards is a massive yikes and no from me. People already abuse farcasting and spam moving behind a tree, this will just increase the pvp level required to partake.

I'm always in favor of new items/Armour/weapons being added

Don't mind the ring imbuing but why not have this and the nmz. if people hate nmz they can just do warding instead and the people who dont want to skill can go to nmz.

Skilling rings, yikes!

Slap who ever suggested "Conjuring" Is this some late april fools joke, no RS3 in my osrs please

16-Apr-2019 18:56:46

Feb Member 2015


Posts: 21 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I'm not sold on warding yet, I'd like to see Jagex address the following before the poll:

Training Warding:
-I would like to see more detail on the rates at which item will be gathered as well as general xp rates.
-When dissolving, can all/most equipment items be dissolved? or is it only ones creatable through crafting and smithing?
-Are warding levels required to dissolve higher level gear?

Rebalancing Existing Content:
-Overall the buffs seem good, I would like to see a small buff to the lunar cape (+5), amulet (+6), and ring (+4) as well. As currently fire cape, amulet of accuracy, and beacon ring are all better magic equipment, however lunar is more difficult to obtain and should be better magic gear.
-Shade robes are currently obtainable from Catacombs shades that give full xp. I think that changing the xp of shades in the stronghold is something that should change regardless. Also having the hood have a current magic atk in the table when it doesn't currently exist is deceptive (even if it does address that in the text).
-Would the Shade hat give a prayer bonus as well?
-I think handling imbues in the way described in the blog is a good way of going about it. or just giving everyone refunds for points.

New Rewards:
-This skill is supposed to be similar to smithing and crafting, I feel that the gear is too good and will face the same issues that black dragonhide is having right now, however the gear being introduced is better than ancestral in some scenarios, and should not be.
-F2P battle robes: have the speed increase for only the spells of the elemental type of the robes you are casting. Also what would stats req be and what are the stats of the new robes?
-Arceuus robe top and bottom could match prayer bonus of shade robes.
-We need req levels for mage gear shown.

16-Apr-2019 18:57:01

Feb Member 2015


Posts: 21 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Bloodbark & Soulbark:
-What is the chance of soaking the damage? 50% is way too high of damage to soak (maybe 10%?). Should have significant negative range attack bonus to help balance. How much more damage depending on how close you are?
Other Armour:
-I feel that the magic damage % bonus is too high, although I don’t know the required level or the rarity in making this equipment. If it is like smithing or crafting, the gear is way too powerful. The gear created shouldn’t be more powerful than barrows and definitely not more powerful than ancestral. Also, there should be negative range attack on all the equipment.
-Mystic Cocktails are interesting I guess, are the stats the same as chinchompas with bonus % damage to demons? if so what %? are they easy and cheap to make or will they be more expensive and time consuming to collect? Where would they be useful?
-Demon Bane Claws need a lot more detail on the spells, levels, etc.
-Skull Sceptre also needs more detail.
Skilling rings: Is it only the person who gets the last resource has the chance for it to come back or is it everyone chopping the tree and having a ring equipped? what exactly do the other rings do? What is the % chance?
Combat rings and amulets: I noticed that there are not amulets included. Also the ring of wealth is not a “combat ring”. It should stay imbued through how it is currently.

16-Apr-2019 18:57:34

Feb Member 2015


Posts: 21 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Other Content:
-Can you (and a team) place wards in a 3x3 and stand in the middle to gain multiple affects? can wards be moved? how many inv spaces will creating a ward take up and are the required items stackable or will you need to bank often to make wards? How often will they last?
-How many “things” can you conjure up at one time? (I have a hard time finding that this would be useful for combat unless you can conjure a lot)
-level 70 seems low for the best farming and hunter supplies.
-Cosmos amulet and ring are shown in the imbue section, but not mentioned anywhere else. Are the gloves, boots, and cape going to be available as well? What are the stats? What does imbuing the lunar and cosmos equipment do exactly?
Overall, I think Warding has a place in game, I think that battle robes (especially the higher teir ones) should be made from extremely rare materials and can only be put together through high Warding level (like draconic visages to dragon fire shields). There currently isn’t enough information for me to be confident that this is ready for the game, so I will currently be voting no unless more information is given.

16-Apr-2019 18:57:41



Posts: 1 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The devs have seemingly already put a lot of time and resources into this skill. It almost seems as if they are going to push it until it passes. All of the time they have dedicated towards this could have been revamping castle wars, or adding new rewards to old content to keep it relevant in the current game build.

I'm all for change in OSRS, but adding new skills is not the answer as history very clearly demonstrates. These rewards could be added in a similar manner to the way jordans are made (i.e. by having 60 runecrafting and 60 mage). This potential new skill, that will (hopefully) be polled with integrity from the game developers, is essentially summoning and magic armor crafting. Summoning needs to stay away from OSRS and as previously stated, these skill rewards could very easily be added to the current game build by requiring a combination of skills to create.

Please listen to the community and stop trying to force a new skill. I am not the first, and likely won't be the last to point out this can be added if crafting mage gear is the goal. Please, please, please keep any form of summoning out of the game.

16-Apr-2019 19:57:37

Feb Member 2010


Posts: 26 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
warding sound interesting but not as a new skill it would fit more in a new way to train runecrafting or an expansion to it, like on rs2 and 3 some items staff and armour require runecreafting like player own ports (also this skill sound like invention to try to remove junk in game in exchange of experience)

the revalancing of already existing armour in game its what the game need all magic armours suck mage supposes to be strong against mele but they give a very low defence on free to play mage totally sucks on member your only option its get broken stuff like ice barrage to stay away of ur opponent or fire surge with the fire book also revalcing mage armours with more power (accuracy) that mean you have to buff ranged armours mage defence

free to play need more armours to why dont add fist of guthix combat robes, druidic mage robes or Batwing (this one uses crafting to make it) and more tier armours lvl 10 20 30 40

other items that would be good in game are orbs to add extra % damage and mage shields of all lvls like the ones we already have with ranged (higher lvls should be rare rewards from raids 1 o 2 or the already existing arcane spirirt shield)

imbued rings why u still want to remove them from nightmare zone? why u dont keep them like they do but u need to use the points of the minigame and the new items you need to scrap ... also the new lunar armour could be used in the same way if its gonna degrade you could use ur nightmare zone points to recharge it (you can add more stuff to do with nightmare zone points than remove features of it like crystal items 2500 chargues? why dont expand them with nightmare zone and scrap to 25k or 250k arrow shoots)

16-Apr-2019 20:08:52

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