In addition, here is a more indept of my views on warding alone.
What I like:
- I like the idea of burning supplies to better the economy.
- I like new mage armor but just implement it under crafting.. I mean cloth a needle and thread.. it's not that hard to invision crafting magic armor.
What I don't like:
- It looks very very boring, a lot of running around doing the same things with little diversity.
- You can probably buy all the armor created so actually skilling is not a need to obtain the new armor.
- It seems very vague, I have a hard time following how it works.
- I have no idea how time consuming it will be. (xp rates/hour)
- I have no idea what it will benefit me... what do I gain from training, the ability to make magic armor? I can make adamant platelegs right now, you know how much use this gives me ingame, nothing zero. It is wasted potential.
- What do the new places add? They seem to be in random locations but what do they do? Because it feels a lot like runecraft altars.
- It is not fresh or renewing
- It looks like a skill for the sake of adding a skill.
What I am looking for in a new skill is something that gives me a challenge to complete and where I need other skills to complete it with. Like slayer giving you a task but not combat related. That like farming feels more like a mini-game and actually leaves some impact on the game to stay (like construction) or quests do.
With rewards that benefit other skills or gives you acces to rewards that are not tradable but make runescape's life easier or better. (like diaries give you great benefits.) Also it would be great if there was a lasting impact in the game, now every tree you cut respawns. But with a new skill I would love to see my progress that when I start the world is empty but that when I am 99 I can see the benefits of my hard work around me (like the statue of kourend). Things like that that bring all skills together in a new and exiting way, that brings life back to usless skills.
16-Apr-2019 18:23:15