I love the idea of a new skill, but you basically took divination and added a little twist. I was expecting much more. Atleast use different names, vis wax, make vis. Creative. As a pretty vetran rs3 player(7800+hrs) and a osrs player now, I am just baffled to see that you used the same guidelines as divination for osrs. I thought it was more exclusive and could differentiate the between the 2 games. but anymore i think they are slowly starting to clash. Just wasn't expecting this. Some might not understand as they dont or haven't played both, but in my eyes there is no difference. I understand it takes development and alot of it to achieve something like a new skill or item, but when you start taking away from what osrs really is, what do we have. Just another rs3 in disguise.
EDIT: and as for a item sink, you will never out weigh the amount of bots in the game. there is just no way, so really it'll just drive prices of cheap items up, bots will still be camping it, just making more money now is all. Just releasing the updates in batches to fill in what is needed sounds so much better. there's huge gaps between skill levels that should be addressed first before implementing more. Druidic staff(once again another rs3 item) -Creative- accomplished nothing but more rare items no one can afford in the game. and even if they could afford it, there are better options to train with. I don't see any money sink that will benefit the community as a whole. You are falling away from what OSRS is/was. take it with a grain of salt but it's true.
So i've thought about the skill, and reguardless how much i like or dislike the skill i understand it doesn't matter what i think personally. I just have a bunch of questions. What will this new skill do to the mage skill? the problem is mage cant take a buff without being dominant over the other combat skills. range is to op, selling entire bank and making it all back and then some with just a tbow.What direction are we taking the game
19-Apr-2019 01:06:22
- Last edited on
19-Apr-2019 18:54:19
Happy Daze