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Some people just like to bash an idea that was asked for by many players without any clear evidence.
SHOULD bonds pass, make sure that no bonus features are given to the bond in the future besides membership so no squeal and anything of the like.
Bond is a legitimate update for players that do not have the money to pay for membership so yes it is a viable update.
Again, the question comes up, though.
If you need bonds for membership, and OSRS requires membership, how are you getting the first OSRS bond?
You need membership to play OSRS.
You need a bond for membership.
You need membership to play OSRS.
You need a bond for membership.
Not to mention the number of people who have access to internet while at the same time having an entertainment budget of less than an RS subscription is so small that you're very unlikely to actually see returns on bonds.
20-Jul-2014 16:53:51