they already read the messages about players meaning of legalizing RWT for themselves before. the company that paid andrew gower for his game just dont care! the company that toke over jagex just wants to make quick money (why give like 450 millions to andrew gower if you cant get it back lmao), but they wont make quick money, they will ruin the game and make real players quit and deceive stupid rich boys to buy ingame gold until they release that its wasted because its like a private server where everything is free (you just need irl cash). i thought games got their cash from playing players (like views, like on twitch), not from buying players.. but they wont listen to us, they just keep making new ways to transfer irl cash to gps just like the third parties and even rig their own polls which surely from my meaning is even worse than third parties doing RWT and seen from a righteousness mind illegal because players works hard in games, and if you rig a poll to make cash and in that also destroy the players hard work. to me andrew gower is still the owner and its just a third party that toke over jagex.
20-Jul-2014 01:15:32