i will quit if this comes into the game i am a rsvet and i will be sad to say goodbye but thi is bullstuff pay for success should never be a option i mean alowing that why dont you just give people legal bots and fill everyone bank with 100k of all items and 200m xp in all skillz this is the dumbest idea you've had sence eoc,rs3,graphics update,loss of free trade and wildly.
i have stayed threw some stupid stuff but never left but no if you decide to kill our game with this so all the upidy well to do nerds who cant even play can just buy 99s 200m xps and to teir gear then ill just go play my gameboy pocket and why make it easy to move gold between games just ban any one who does it make it a rule and dont alow it.
it was you all who said the progress of you main acc wouldnt effect 07 and vice versa but if you alow and make it easy to move gold thats no longer the case and the fact that most gold on rs3 is boted currency an needs to be dumped from the game anyway doenst mean we wat it in 07 killing our prices our shark and ppots are worth something and thats how wee like it we dont want 1k sharks to be 100k and 1k ppots to be 25k we want a game with a thriveng econmy and comunity you put bonds and gold swap in youll kill your game for a final time
look at the loss of free trade and wildy form like 250k+players online at all times to 60k on a good day for like a hour then back to 45k players you do this and 07 count be like 2k players per hour and we wont be coming to rs3 because we left it to begin with due to its wow graphics,game style,poor econmy,and overloads of bots.
so if this does happen i bid you adue for ive had it for the last time i love runescape and jagex but thers just so much we can take we want rs the way it is thats why we wanted 0srs to begin with if we were ok with a subpar game with horrable graphics and button mash game play poor gold wealth we would have just stayed and even with legacy mode its not rs at all
19-Jul-2014 21:41:42