
Wilderness Rejuvenation II Thread is locked

Quick find code: 380-381-430-65960856

Aug Member 2023


Posts: 118 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Wow old school runescape turning into rs3 faster and faster. Why not focus on current content and updating it with improvements vs throwing loads of new content in the game. Quality vs quantity. You see how well quantity vs quality worked out with rs3. The game is trash. You would have to play 24/7 every day to keep up with all the stupid updates in the game. Old school is suppose to be slower. Stop adding garbage to the game. Fix what's broken or needs updated first...

28-Oct-2017 06:12:46

Gerbil King
Sep Member 2023

Gerbil King

Posts: 17 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Asphodelos said :
This doesn't promote PvP combat. This is just another outlet for bad pkers to waste a PvM players time. I will vote no to all of this. If you'd like to rejuvenate pking concentrate on combat between PvP combatants, not skillers/pvmers. I'd go as far as to dedicate worlds to this kind of content. The idea that the wilderness is a high risk place is obsolete. PvM players do not risk wealth in the wilderness. I'm absolutely sick of teams of pkers trying to pk me for my glory or my clue scroll. Updates such as these have no place in my idea of OSRS and I think that's more than a valid reason to scrap this update. People voting in favor of this update are only scavengers trying to prey on players already in combat with a boss or defenseless people doing clue scrolls. I don't think thats the kind of players OSRS wants to appeal to.

I will be voting no on all of these and encourage other players to as well.

The idea of the wilderness has always been risk vs reward. On my iron man I have been killed several times trying to complete a clue in the wilderness. It's frustrating, but I'm not a complete baby and think that it's somehow flawed game design.

Wilderness should be DANGEROUS. It makes up like 1-3% of all available PvM content. There are many other venues to get your cash from PvM.

It amazes me what a generation of complete wimps we have here. The real world is gonna kick the sh*t out of some of you.

The content is designed to draw in a higher volume of players to the wilderness. Those who wish to PvP already do, so the concept is that the game needs some more non-PvP players to go into the wilderness.

More PvM players in the wilderness = higher demand for PvP players to prey on them = More PvP players in the long run.

You must have no idea what PvP is about if you honestly think just somehow making fighting cooler is going to spike the wilderness Population

28-Oct-2017 14:15:40

Gerbil King
Sep Member 2023

Gerbil King

Posts: 17 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Also, can we consider re-polling the F2P teleblock?

That would probably have the greatest effect on F2P wilderness of any patch ever. The issue with F2P PKing as it stands is the ease of escape.

I could get my hands on a full rune player in 40 wilderness and with only binds and fire blast to kill him he could probably tank me 20+ levels on 10 lobsters. F2P PKing is an activity mostly carried out by P2P members who enjoy the simplicity of the combat system in non-members.

Fights are more timing oriented and less about my AGS hitting a 78 instead of a 12.

Bringing teleblock into the non-members scene would not only bring more clans and teams to the wilderness (I know, I don't love clans either but it would make the wilderness vibrant and lively again) and also give a reason for F2P players to train magic above 59. Probably see much higher demand for training runes like Chaos/Natures and thus more profit available from Runecrafting.

28-Oct-2017 14:22:46

Gerbil King
Sep Member 2023

Gerbil King

Posts: 17 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Also, suggestion for the Mage Arena 2 cape:

Increase the Magic requirement from 75 to 80. This is an end game cape that gives 2x the bonus of the existing God capes. 1/11th of 99 (experience wise) seems pretty far from end game.

Also, you could use a cool mechanic for the bosses when requiring 80 magic. Why not make it so:

"Mage Arena 2 will require 80 magic to complete. You must track and kill 3 bosses with the 3 God spells. Bosses will be immune to these attacks unless the player is currently "Charged" (requiring the level 80 god charge spell)."

Seems like a cool mechanic, keeps in line with realistic reasoning and also gives a reason for the requirement to be 80 magic.

28-Oct-2017 14:35:22

Aug Member 2021


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Where is my Bitmoji when I need him.

The REV'S CAVE Is NOT for PvMERS or SKILLERS AT ALL. It is just a HOTSPOT for PKERS by PKERS , if you don't want to go there because of what happens there you don't have to. It's strictly PKER content. By simply to fuel pkers to go and camp there for drops while understanding they'll be fighting for those drops. If you go there unskulled and planning to stay unskulled, that is not the point of the caves.

the drops are also a money maker sure, however, it's also a money sink. People do use the armours, myself included. They're for content (Vids/livestream) and for fun if you're not making content out of them.This is actually a necessary update, not a waste of time, and it's strictly for PKERS. If you're upset you should be upset @ the Chaos alter not rev cave.
OG: Beast Boy831

Founder & Leader of both TheStorm (2010-2021)
WeAreNex 2011-2013

Veteran Hybrid Pker since 2005

29-Oct-2017 01:20:01 - Last edited on 29-Oct-2017 01:29:19 by BelleDelphne



Posts: 13 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Very First said :
I think these polls are bs to the concept that pvmers can vote on this when it has nothing to do with them thats why it is called wildy rejuvenation not pvmer content so stop being such babys pvmers.

Ignorance is bliss. Your flimsy defense can go both ways. There's a sad amount of PvM content that hasn't passed because it needs to be tailored for PvP'rs. I'm sure there would of been outrage if, for example, PvP only players were denied a vote on Dclaws entering the game or not since its from "PvM only" content.

BelleDelphne said :

the drops are also a money maker sure, however, it's also a money sink.

A money sink is gold or items being removed from the game, not going to another player via the GE.

29-Oct-2017 10:13:32 - Last edited on 29-Oct-2017 10:18:01 by LtSoulbreakR

Aug Member 2021


Posts: 321 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
LtSoulbreakR said :
Very First said :
I think these polls are bs to the concept that pvmers can vote on this when it has nothing to do with them thats why it is called wildy rejuvenation not pvmer content so stop being such babys pvmers.

Ignorance is bliss. Your flimsy defense can go both ways. There's a sad amount of PvM content that hasn't passed because it needs to be tailored for PvP'rs. I'm sure there would of been outrage if, for example, PvP only players were denied a vote on Dclaws entering the game or not since its from "PvM only" content.

BelleDelphne said :

the drops are also a money maker sure, however, it's also a money sink.

A money sink is gold or items being removed from the game, not going to another player via the GE.

..? It is a money sink, I don't think you understand that lmao. Yes, they can be sold to the GE however once they take damage they are no longer tradable. the only value they hold is upon death. If you aren't familiar with these items (pre-eoc), then please re-read the dev blog. Regarding their actual value.

Here is how the armors work:

No damage = able to be sold.
100% = Highest value before degrading further upon death.
90% = Still high value, less than before, degrading further upon death.
80% = relatively high, lesser than before, degrading further upon death.
70% = a little above half of its value, degrading further upon death.
50% = half of the value remaining, degrading further upon death.
10% = barely any value remaining, degrading further upon death.
0% = degraded. Dust. Gone. Finto. Disappears.

^ It's a money sink ;)
Edit: The drop depending on the percentage does result in coins, i failed to mention that. The further they degrade will not change it's protected value. So thats 1 thing to watch out for. also, if the item is still new and you happen to PK a player wearing it (100%) you'll get the armor.
OG: Beast Boy831

Founder & Leader of both TheStorm (2010-2021)
WeAreNex 2011-2013

Veteran Hybrid Pker since 2005

29-Oct-2017 20:07:26 - Last edited on 29-Oct-2017 20:15:20 by BelleDelphne

Mod Ayiza

Mod Ayiza

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
The Dev Blog has been updated today.

Changes include:

- Changed the benefits of the Chaos Altar so it no longer offers a direct XP boost.
- Lowered the bonuses of the new proposed God capes.
- Clarified minor details regarding Revenant caves.
- Added additional wording regarding Loot Keys.

30-Oct-2017 17:26:55

Aug Member 2021


Posts: 321 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Mod Ayiza said :
The Dev Blog has been updated today.

Changes include:

- Changed the benefits of the Chaos Altar so it no longer offers a direct XP boost.
- Lowered the bonuses of the new proposed God capes.
- Clarified minor details regarding Revenant caves.
- Added additional wording regarding Loot Keys.

Mage Arena II addition:

My proposal is to bring a 4th Mage cape into the game, The Zarosian Mage Cape

The cape itself would be an end result of killing 1/3 bosses and receiving a "Shadow heart" This heart would be (Zarosian Based) and would be accepted by Kolodion, with 2 other regular heart pieces. I do recommend having this be somewhat of a rare drop while completing the new mini-game.

If this seems a bit too quick, the heart can always be broken into 3 pieces itself. Roughly the same concept, while killing all 3 bosses for their hearts. A "Shadow Heart Shard" would be dropped as well with 1 of the hearts. Combining them all together would result in a Shadow Heart which could be traded to Kolodion by itself for a Zarosian Mage Cape.

The purposes of this cape would allow you to cast ancient magicks with a Staff of The Dead and Toxic Staff of The Dead. This could be taken into consideration with both the toxic/normal Tridents as well.

A lot of players do tend to use ancients with these weapons whether it is in multi fights, single fights. However, there is no autocast option, this would just create utility of being able to do so. Making it a viable cape for the staff of the dead/tridents (Toxic/regular).

Also is there any method in place in order to protect the polls properly, a lot of pvm/skillers are very much against the rev caves/pvp armors believing that content is for them to be "baited" out in order to kill revs, so pkers could make money. Which is not the case.
Rev caves are by pkers, for pkers. Please do whatever you can to protect the polls
OG: Beast Boy831

Founder & Leader of both TheStorm (2010-2021)
WeAreNex 2011-2013

Veteran Hybrid Pker since 2005

30-Oct-2017 17:35:07 - Last edited on 30-Oct-2017 17:36:10 by BelleDelphne

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