Also, suggestion for the Mage Arena 2 cape:
Increase the Magic requirement from 75 to 80. This is an end game cape that gives 2x the bonus of the existing God capes. 1/11th of 99 (experience wise) seems pretty far from end game.
Also, you could use a cool mechanic for the bosses when requiring 80 magic. Why not make it so:
"Mage Arena 2 will require 80 magic to complete. You must track and kill 3 bosses with the 3 God spells. Bosses will be immune to these attacks unless the player is currently "Charged" (requiring the level 80 god charge spell)."
Seems like a cool mechanic, keeps in line with realistic reasoning and also gives a reason for the requirement to be 80 magic.
28-Oct-2017 14:35:22