
Wilderness Rejuvenation II Thread is locked

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Mod Ayiza said :
The Dev Blog has been updated today.

Changes include:

- Changed the benefits of the Chaos Altar so it no longer offers a direct XP boost.
- Lowered the bonuses of the new proposed God capes.
- Clarified minor details regarding Revenant caves.
- Added additional wording regarding Loot Keys.

Still a solid no (with no additional thought required).

Y'all honestly seem way out of touch with your current player base and have based this poll on what you want the player base to be.

It will certainly be interesting to watch. =)
"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity" -Martin Luther King Jr.

30-Oct-2017 17:41:54



Posts: 15,772 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
BelleDelphne said :

Also is there any method in place in order to protect the polls properly, a lot of pvm/skillers are very much against the rev caves/pvp armors believing that content is for them to be "baited" out in order to kill revs, so pkers could make money. Which is not the case.
Rev caves are by pkers, for pkers. Please do whatever you can to protect the polls

The 'protection' you seek is already in place.. it takes 75% yes votes in order for something to be added. =)
"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity" -Martin Luther King Jr.

30-Oct-2017 17:45:35

Aug Member 2021


Posts: 321 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Angel2D4 said :
Mod Ayiza said :
The Dev Blog has been updated today.

Changes include:

- Changed the benefits of the Chaos Altar so it no longer offers a direct XP boost.
- Lowered the bonuses of the new proposed God capes.
- Clarified minor details regarding Revenant caves.
- Added additional wording regarding Loot Keys.

Still a solid no (with no additional thought required).

Y'all honestly seem way out of touch with your current player base and have based this poll on what you want the player base to be.

It will certainly be interesting to watch. =)

you're constantly always saying no to any PK content. You clarified you're not a pker, nor do you have any interest in the community. Which is unfortunate, I'll say it again: Due to no experience and passion for the PK community of OSRS, you have no voice. You're technically the one out of touch with the community.

Angel2D4 said :
BelleDelphne said :

Also is there any method in place in order to protect the polls properly, a lot of pvm/skillers are very much against the rev caves/pvp armors believing that content is for them to be "baited" out in order to kill revs, so pkers could make money. Which is not the case.
Rev caves are by pkers, for pkers. Please do whatever you can to protect the polls

The 'protection' you seek is already in place.. it takes 75% yes votes in order for something to be added. =)

You and others just like you with this mindset is literally the reason im asking for something of this. That 75% means nothing because in your case instead of "skipping" you would simply say no due to the fact you simply hate the PK community.
Edit: your history on anti-Pk posts tends to show a lot :)
OG: Beast Boy831

Founder & Leader of both TheStorm (2010-2021)
WeAreNex 2011-2013

Veteran Hybrid Pker since 2005

30-Oct-2017 17:46:15 - Last edited on 30-Oct-2017 17:49:51 by BelleDelphne



Posts: 15,772 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
BelleDelphne said :

you're constantly always saying no to any PK content. You clarified you're not a pker, nor do you have any interest in the community. Which is unfortunate, I'll say it again: Due to no experience and passion for the PK community of OSRS, you have no voice. You're technically the one out of touch with the community.

You're confused hun. I am constantly saying NO to content (doesn't matter if it's for pkers or not).

Me not being a pker has nothing to do with the 'voice' I have or don't have (and I believe I have one in voting no).

If I'm the one 'out of touch' with the community, then all of this will pass easily. =)
"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity" -Martin Luther King Jr.

30-Oct-2017 17:50:20



Posts: 15,772 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
BelleDelphne said :

You and others just like you with this mindset is literally the reason im asking for something of this. That 75% means nothing because in your case instead of "skipping" you would simply say no due to the fact you simply hate the PK community.
Edit: your history on anti-Pk posts tends to show a lot :)

There are no "others just like" me. =)

That aside.. don't you vote yes to that which you want added to the game and no to things you don't want added? Why should I not do the same?

We weren't supposed to have polls in the first place (or updates either, for that matter). However, since we do have polls (and I have the requirement needed to vote in them) and jagex isn't offering a server/world with no updates (what we got enough votes for in the initial poll for old school) the only thing I can do is vote NO to additions *I* don't want to see in the game.
"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity" -Martin Luther King Jr.

30-Oct-2017 17:57:04

Hugos here

Hugos here

Posts: 447 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
BelleDelphne said :
Where is my Bitmoji when I need him.

The REV'S CAVE Is NOT for PvMERS or SKILLERS AT ALL. It is just a HOTSPOT for PKERS by PKERS , if you don't want to go there because of what happens there you don't have to. It's strictly PKER content.
urm well to be honest pvmers/ ironmen are effected by this so you cant block them out. They are forcing ironmen to go into an area that is totally unfriendly to the mode to get BIS range gear. this is why pvm and skillers should be allowed to vote. skillers for the prayer training and pvmers for new gear like the cape and and vambs

30-Oct-2017 17:58:31

Aug Member 2021


Posts: 321 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Angel2D4 said :
BelleDelphne said :

you're constantly always saying no to any PK content. You clarified you're not a pker, nor do you have any interest in the community. Which is unfortunate, I'll say it again: Due to no experience and passion for the PK community of OSRS, you have no voice. You're technically the one out of touch with the community.

You're confused hun. I am constantly saying NO to content (doesn't matter if it's for pkers or not).

Me not being a pker has nothing to do with the 'voice' I have or don't have (and I believe I have one in voting no).

If I'm the one 'out of touch' with the community, then all of this will pass easily. =)

I'm not confused at all, I'm perfectly sane and understand the game as well as any other long-term veteran. However considering the fact i've been involved in Pking and the PK community since 2005. I do have the upper hand in terms of knowledge and reason for this. poll. You vote "No" because the content doesn't suit you, which is perfectly fine. It's in your right. However, simply because you do no take part in these kinds of updates does not mean you vote no and constantly go on other threads agreeing with anti-pk related posts to spoil content much needed for the PK community.

Revs' cave was not ever out to lure Pvmers & Skillers, It was by pkers and for pkers. That's what made it active.
Pvp Armors are the exact same way, by pkers for pkers. It will not affect anything outside of the wilderness and PvP worlds.

There is actually no reason to be voting no especially when the content isn't designed for you specifically. All I've said to you was, please have an open mind and actually comprehend that this update is a good thing. I understand your frustration may be at the Mage Arena 2 or wilderness prayer. However, if there was another viable solution that would be fine, I disagree with those two as well because it's baiting.
OG: Beast Boy831

Founder & Leader of both TheStorm (2010-2021)
WeAreNex 2011-2013

Veteran Hybrid Pker since 2005

30-Oct-2017 18:05:15



Posts: 15,772 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
BelleDelphne said :

There is actually no reason to be voting no especially when the content isn't designed for you specifically. All I've said to you was, please have an open mind and actually comprehend that this update is a good thing. I understand your frustration may be at the Mage Arena 2 or wilderness prayer. However, if there was another viable solution that would be fine, I disagree with those two as well because it's baiting.

Here's the thing about that.. I don't have to have a 'reason' that you agree with, in order to vote no. In fact, I don't have to have a 'reason' to vote no, in order to vote no, at all.

I vote yes to things I'd like to see added to the game.. doesn't everyone?

I vote no to things I don't want to see added to the game.. again... doesn't everyone?

I skip questions that I don't care at all about (though I admit there haven't been many). Doesn't everyone?

Do you recall the poll we had where they tried hard to separate out who could vote on which polls (or poll questions)? You know.. where the community did NOT support the idea that only skillers could vote on skilling updates and only pkers could vote on pker updates?

Fact is, every update has an impact (or potential impact) on every player and the community recognized that and shot down the idea of only this group could vote on this stuff and that group on that stuff.

Who is actually 'out of touch' will be evident shortly after this poll goes live. Hope you enjoy watching it as much as I expect to.

See.. I don't 'hate' pkers after all. =)
"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity" -Martin Luther King Jr.

30-Oct-2017 18:26:37

Aug Member 2021


Posts: 321 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"Who is actually 'out of touch' will be evident shortly after this poll goes live. Hope you enjoy watching it as much as I expect to."

"See.. I don't 'hate' pkers after all. =) "

your position still has been labeled as "against" pking, your post just explained your stance on voting which goes for anyone. However, you have always been like this. You can tell a lot from reading a person's posts. You really just mask your feelings and just say something else so you're not caught out as obvious. Stop with the antics, please. You don't even come across as civil :D
OG: Beast Boy831

Founder & Leader of both TheStorm (2010-2021)
WeAreNex 2011-2013

Veteran Hybrid Pker since 2005

30-Oct-2017 18:28:07 - Last edited on 30-Oct-2017 18:32:53 by BelleDelphne



Posts: 15,772 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
BelleDelphne said :
"Who is actually 'out of touch' will be evident shortly after this poll goes live. Hope you enjoy watching it as much as I expect to."

"See.. I don't 'hate' pkers after all. =) "

your position still has been labeled as "against" pking, your post just explained your stance on voting which goes for anyone. However, you have always been like this. You can tell a lot from reading a person's posts. You really just mask your feelings and just say something else so you're not caught out as obvious. Stop with the antics, please. You don't even come across as civil :D

Wow dude.. you seem to be wanting to see something more in my posts than what is actually there.

I understand it sucks to not get what you want added to the game.. or to have things added that you don't want.. but.. honestly.. it's a 'community driven' game. No one player is the reason behind your loss.. guaranteed.

It will be the community voting on this (and as I said.. if I'm the one out of touch, all of this will pass with no problem).

You knowing it won't.. is not on me.
"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity" -Martin Luther King Jr.

30-Oct-2017 18:38:52

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