Here are my main problems with each of these suggestions.
1. Mage arena cape stats are too low for a lost on death item, 75 mage req, and tedious minigame. Can you raise the max hit to 35 for god spells or make it worthwhile in another way, maybe some prayer bonus or mage damage %? 5 mage attack is pretty low for 15 mage levels over original mage cape.
2. Pvp Armour use to be very good back in the day. But these armours are degradable to dust and level 78. Vesta and statius i agree with stat wise. BUT zuriel is worse than the raids magic armour counterpart and morrigans is only slightly better than armadyl, maybe look into a little damage boost or more defense for mage and range counterparts.
3. Rev Braces are way too high a drop rate for an item that wont even raise the max hit. Maybe lower that a little bit, revs are not easy monsters to kill and the drops (ignoring the fact its wilderness) and drop rate should reflect it.
4. I also fail to see how these will actually get people to pvp, it looks like just a lot of pker hot spots to me.
that said, i would like to vote no and hope that jagex will ask why we voted no.
31-Oct-2017 01:52:12