
Wilderness Rejuvenation II Thread is locked

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Aug Member 2021


Posts: 321 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Angel2D4 said :
BelleDelphne said :
"Who is actually 'out of touch' will be evident shortly after this poll goes live. Hope you enjoy watching it as much as I expect to."

"See.. I don't 'hate' pkers after all. =) "

your position still has been labeled as "against" pking, your post just explained your stance on voting which goes for anyone. However, you have always been like this. You can tell a lot from reading a person's posts. You really just mask your feelings and just say something else so you're not caught out as obvious. Stop with the antics, please. You don't even come across as civil :D

Wow dude.. you seem to be wanting to see something more in my posts than what is actually there.

I understand it sucks to not get what you want added to the game.. or to have things added that you don't want.. but.. honestly.. it's a 'community driven' game. No one player is the reason behind your loss.. guaranteed.

It will be the community voting on this (and as I said.. if I'm the one out of touch, all of this will pass with no problem).

You knowing it won't.. is not on me.

right, you're crazy.
All ive been saying is if you dont like to pk, hit skip not no.
OG: Beast Boy831

Founder & Leader of both TheStorm (2010-2021)
WeAreNex 2011-2013

Veteran Hybrid Pker since 2005

30-Oct-2017 18:52:43

King Jim
Dec Member 2023

King Jim

Posts: 3,066 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
PvP Armor
Can someone explain to me why T78 armor is worse than T75 armor? I get T75 is "raids"and it's Jagex's love child but that just doesn't make sense. Why doesn't Morrigan's have range str? Why doesn't Zuriel's have magic damage bonus? You literally copy and pasted armor from 2008 without even checking to see if it was applicable still. This vote is a "NO" from me until Jagex explains why we aren't following normal logic.

PvP Armor and switching
In 2008 the normal pvp armor that you are currently proposing would degrade after being hit once and it would tick off a minute of time. This wouldn't be an issue if you left your armor on for a continuous minute of combat. However, given that many applications require consistent switching the way the armor was programmed pre-eoc had it degrade once per minute and if you switched gear it ignored the 60 seconds you had left an started another minute degrade. Example: I equip a full charged Vesta top and launch an attack. The sword would tick down from 60 mins to 59 mins. Now I should still have a full minute left of degradation on my armor, however, if i switch before that 60 seconds is complete and switch back it will tick down to 58 mins left. Please address this blaring issue.

Revenant Bracers
A 1/9000 drop that is 2 range bonus better than barrows gloves and 2 range strength? That's not even a max hit for something that is going to be "extremely" rare. This will also be a no given it's limited stat increase and obnoxiously rare drop rate. Doesn't line up for how marginally better the equipment will be.

Loot Keys
These should be shown on the players skull, if you can't do it because of some technical issue then fess up. Don't just say you don't want to do it to keep it a surprise that's stupid.

God Cape Update
This is a good update and a good idea but change it back to 20 magic bonus. Also please add the god's crest onto the back of the cape. The current scheme is lame.
"I've been playing since 2006 but jagex made me quit 11/20/2013"

30-Oct-2017 19:05:59



Posts: 15,772 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
BelleDelphne said :
Angel2D4 said :
BelleDelphne said :
"Who is actually 'out of touch' will be evident shortly after this poll goes live. Hope you enjoy watching it as much as I expect to."

"See.. I don't 'hate' pkers after all. =) "

your position still has been labeled as "against" pking, your post just explained your stance on voting which goes for anyone. However, you have always been like this. You can tell a lot from reading a person's posts. You really just mask your feelings and just say something else so you're not caught out as obvious. Stop with the antics, please. You don't even come across as civil :D

Wow dude.. you seem to be wanting to see something more in my posts than what is actually there.

I understand it sucks to not get what you want added to the game.. or to have things added that you don't want.. but.. honestly.. it's a 'community driven' game. No one player is the reason behind your loss.. guaranteed.

It will be the community voting on this (and as I said.. if I'm the one out of touch, all of this will pass with no problem).

You knowing it won't.. is not on me.

right, you're crazy.
All ive been saying is if you dont like to pk, hit skip not no.

Ahh there it is! The pker's insults fly when they don't get what they're cryin' for. Every time.

Well.. I've already offered that I vote yes to things I want to see added to the game.. no to things I don't want to see added to the game.. and I skip that which I could care less about. JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE DOES.

If that makes me "crazy", then ok, I'll be "crazy".

But not crazy enough to skip crap that I don't want to see added to the game.

I won't be the only one voting no either. =)
"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity" -Martin Luther King Jr.

30-Oct-2017 19:25:26



Posts: 5 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I love pretty much every idea you guys have put in with this update, however....
No, No and further NO Loot keys, please keep that on Deadman mode, we are trying to update the wilderness , not PKing as a whole.
Make the Rev Vambs more like 1/100 so that they can actually be an affordable alternative to barrows gloves for rangers.

30-Oct-2017 22:51:12

DJ Nintendo

DJ Nintendo

Posts: 242 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Here are my main problems with each of these suggestions.

1. Mage arena cape stats are too low for a lost on death item, 75 mage req, and tedious minigame. Can you raise the max hit to 35 for god spells or make it worthwhile in another way, maybe some prayer bonus or mage damage %? 5 mage attack is pretty low for 15 mage levels over original mage cape.

2. Pvp Armour use to be very good back in the day. But these armours are degradable to dust and level 78. Vesta and statius i agree with stat wise. BUT zuriel is worse than the raids magic armour counterpart and morrigans is only slightly better than armadyl, maybe look into a little damage boost or more defense for mage and range counterparts.

3. Rev Braces are way too high a drop rate for an item that wont even raise the max hit. Maybe lower that a little bit, revs are not easy monsters to kill and the drops (ignoring the fact its wilderness) and drop rate should reflect it.

4. I also fail to see how these will actually get people to pvp, it looks like just a lot of pker hot spots to me.

that said, i would like to vote no and hope that jagex will ask why we voted no.

31-Oct-2017 01:52:12

C 4 R B O N

C 4 R B O N

Posts: 1,105 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
DO NOT make the chaos temple multi combat, until it is changed to single combat I will be voting "No". It's very obvious that clans will camp this, one guy catches an ice barrage and 8 people log in to kill the solo player trying to bury bones. If it's single combat at least the solo player has a fighting chance. It's not like solo players are going to make their own clan just to bury bones in multi combat and defend each other.

31-Oct-2017 04:25:29

Playboi Raw

Playboi Raw

Posts: 132 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I actually love what I am seeing just another thing though that I would like to see if you are planing to make new god capes you should make a new god spell that could be used with any of the new capes on a normal standard book after killing all three bosses and claiming your reward the new god cape it unlocks just a little more you know reward added to the new god capes and I wouldn't mind either some upgraded versions of the old god staffs after killing all three bosses be another cool addiction to the pot that could a possibility they could be added to the old store of staffs or some sort of imbue for the old staffs be nice just a couple of extra idea's if you trying to make wildy a little more active plus a new boss in the wildy would be extremely preferred as to what could it potentially be I go no clue but it's a start to something big! ^_^

31-Oct-2017 06:29:12

7th Saiyan

7th Saiyan

Posts: 44 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
why are we not getting corrupt armors. the excuse you gave was 100% bs. theres litterally no reason for anyone with less than 70 def to risk more than 200k. why should we uses guilded legs for 2m + that do nothing. or boots or hats or anything. its complete aids. no variety in wild. do you even understand that osrs is alive because of pvp only? jeeeze which rs3 mod came up with this decision. how sad.

31-Oct-2017 06:39:29

Monke Mania
Feb Member 2017

Monke Mania

Posts: 48 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
7th Saiyan said :
why are we not getting corrupt armors. the excuse you gave was 100% bs. theres litterally no reason for anyone with less than 70 def to risk more than 200k. why should we uses guilded legs for 2m + that do nothing. or boots or hats or anything. its complete aids. no variety in wild. do you even understand that osrs is alive because of pvp only? jeeeze which rs3 mod came up with this decision. how sad.
if you read a bit more carefully, it's explained that the armor that's proposed is already basically finished, thanks to Mod Jed, and corrupt armor and the accompanying weapons haven't been completed yet but probably will be. Some patience and you might see them proposed later.

31-Oct-2017 12:19:34

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