I gave it some actual thought for a while and realized simply voting no to it all because it's pvp is pretty selfish and childish, given that a) it's already mostly developed (though I'd liked to have seen that time spent on other pursuits, like expansion of the pvm/pve minigame like SC idea) and b) some of it doesn't affect me so what do I care if it's added?
So with that I've made some more decisions:
Still no to the altar. Better than it was but it's still just gonna get ridiculously camped and harm bone prices.
I like the idea of a mage arena 2 but until some of that horrible crap is changed (Still unbankable hearts, getting camped in multicombat for my god spell runes sounds super fun and starting over, not to mention if you die at any point with the cape, poof, it's just gone. Other combat styles don't deal with this crap) I'll be voting it out in the event I decide to do it one day.
No to rev vambraces. BiS shouldn't come from something easy like that that's only a PVP source, not when the current BiS requires completion of a bunch of quests, including one of the most iconic ones in RS.
Yes to rev caves and the rest of that, incl. pvp armors. This game could use more non-skilling gold sinks and what do I care if PKers get their jollies slapping about ghosts and each other over ghosts?? Any of that money is likely to stick with the PK community either way.
No to amulet of peril, y'already have Dharok's for that.
And a resounding HELL NO to loot keys. Not only does that horribly screw with what PKers actually get from each other, people that can afford to unlock them are at a complete advantage over those that can't. Don't even bring that imbalance in.
01-Nov-2017 07:15:34