
Wilderness Rejuvenation II Thread is locked

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Feb Member 2012


Posts: 973 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
This doesn't promote PvP combat. This is just another outlet for bad pkers to waste a PvM players time. I will vote no to all of this. If you'd like to rejuvenate pking concentrate on combat between PvP combatants, not skillers/pvmers. I'd go as far as to dedicate worlds to this kind of content. The idea that the wilderness is a high risk place is obsolete. PvM players do not risk wealth in the wilderness. I'm absolutely sick of teams of pkers trying to pk me for my glory or my clue scroll. Updates such as these have no place in my idea of OSRS and I think that's more than a valid reason to scrap this update. People voting in favor of this update are only scavengers trying to prey on players already in combat with a boss or defenseless people doing clue scrolls. I don't think thats the kind of players OSRS wants to appeal to.

I will be voting no on all of these and encourage other players to as well.

27-Oct-2017 01:33:30

Nov Member 2020


Posts: 1,899 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
If the PvP armors are voted in (honestly, looks like nothing in this update is going to pass) I'd like to see them disabled for Duel Arena fights. I don't want these armors going to stakers.

27-Oct-2017 06:27:05

ramamir 6
Mar Member 2024

ramamir 6

Posts: 919 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Asphodelos said :
This doesn't promote PvP combat. This is just another outlet for bad pkers to waste a PvM players time. I will vote no to all of this. If you'd like to rejuvenate pking concentrate on combat between PvP combatants, not skillers/pvmers. I'd go as far as to dedicate worlds to this kind of content. The idea that the wilderness is a high risk place is obsolete. PvM players do not risk wealth in the wilderness. I'm absolutely sick of teams of pkers trying to pk me for my glory or my clue scroll. Updates such as these have no place in my idea of OSRS and I think that's more than a valid reason to scrap this update. People voting in favor of this update are only scavengers trying to prey on players already in combat with a boss or defenseless people doing clue scrolls. I don't think thats the kind of players OSRS wants to appeal to.

I will be voting no on all of these and encourage other players to as well.

Alot of people don't seem to understand the high risk high reward concept. NO ONE forces you to check out this content, if you like to play safe, go play safe and use the gilded altar or pvm wise other monsters than revenants. If you don't mind the risk and you want that extra more xp/h or money/h go check it out at your own cost of dieing to another player. I get why you whine, you want the best possible xp per hour but you don't want the risk, all you want is the game getting easyer. Your kind of people brought us to eoc. Easy xp rates and no risk/accomplishment whatsoever, no player interaction either. I am not a pker myself and eve n I understand why they put it in the dev blog this way.

27-Oct-2017 11:20:41 - Last edited on 27-Oct-2017 11:22:07 by ramamir 6

DJ Nintendo

DJ Nintendo

Posts: 242 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Are mage arena capes gonna add any buff to god spell damage? Would love to see those spells get some love.

As it stands, flames of zammy hits 1 more than fire wave.

Surge will easily outclass it, and honestly, i would like to see saradomin and guthix get auto cast abilities.

Maybe add 3 new spells for... armadyl, bandos, and some other god with a max hit of 35 (before boosts)?

27-Oct-2017 11:29:40

DJ Nintendo

DJ Nintendo

Posts: 242 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Oh, can you also look into miasma spells, rebalancing the trident and blow pipe for PVP.

With the new void nerf, i think blow pipe is more down to earth if it had its normal speed, and i never understood why trident was never pvp.

27-Oct-2017 11:32:40



Posts: 15,772 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
ramamir 6 said :
Asphodelos said :
This doesn't promote PvP combat. This is just another outlet for bad pkers to waste a PvM players time. I will vote no to all of this. If you'd like to rejuvenate pking concentrate on combat between PvP combatants, not skillers/pvmers. I'd go as far as to dedicate worlds to this kind of content. The idea that the wilderness is a high risk place is obsolete. PvM players do not risk wealth in the wilderness. I'm absolutely sick of teams of pkers trying to pk me for my glory or my clue scroll. Updates such as these have no place in my idea of OSRS and I think that's more than a valid reason to scrap this update. People voting in favor of this update are only scavengers trying to prey on players already in combat with a boss or defenseless people doing clue scrolls. I don't think thats the kind of players OSRS wants to appeal to.

I will be voting no on all of these and encourage other players to as well.

NO ONE forces you to check out this content

Dude you are so far off the mark it ain't even funny.

Rob is dead on. No one 'forces' us to "check out this content"?

No one 'forces' us to vote for this content.

Your "your kind of people" comment.. yeah.. YOUR kind of people are the ones who can't seem to grasp that pvmers and skillers aren't interested in giving what few pkers there are left, everything they earn (go earn it yourself ya lazyscaper!).
"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity" -Martin Luther King Jr.

27-Oct-2017 16:36:04



Posts: 8 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I like revs, but at this point we're seeing too many next best thing to PVM/PVP updates - too many bis items too fast. Could this poll be pushed later so dev time can be put towards fun content like Stealing Creation?

Just give us something fun and non grindy to do.

27-Oct-2017 17:00:15 - Last edited on 27-Oct-2017 17:01:54 by Drustan

Torva boy

Torva boy

Posts: 45 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Revenant cave is just POGCHAMP.
I love both pvp and pvm there but why is there no statius warhammer / vesta longsword drop i think these were balanced items if you look @ dragon warhammer.

27-Oct-2017 20:33:25 - Last edited on 27-Oct-2017 20:39:57 by Torva boy



Posts: 1,522 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
All wilderness rejuvenation attempts in both games have failed for the same reason: they are not targeted at players interested in pvp. The goal has always been to lure skillers and pvmers into a dangerous area where the people interested in pvp can destroy them. You are setting yourselves up for failure. People do not want to enter the wilderness because they do not want to die. These proposals will not change that. Even if you release something gamebreaking, it will be the bots who benefit.

You should be encouraging pvp. Read: player versus player; two or more players fighting one another. You should not be encouraging one-sided mercy killings in which you have the player who is forever put off from the wilderness and the player who runs out of cheap targets to get their thrills on. This should be done by making pvp part of the core gameplay of whatever you add, not a side effect of crowding players together.

For example:

Add something resembling the old volcano with a safe banking area, but have a very difficult boss inside. Anyone who enters the volcano is made an anon inside and works together to mass kill the boss; pvp is not enabled before the boss dies. The boss drops an exceptionally generous amount of loot to the top dps and everyone is told who got what. All hell breaks loose as temporarily alliances are made on the fly and pvp is switched on, with everyone trying to steal the loot without knowing usernames, clan affiliation, etc. The one with the loot tries to flee, the others try to kill them. Whoever kills the loot carrier is given the loot, with 10% of the loot having been deleted each time it changes hands.

In the example I gave everyone who takes part necessarily must be willing and look forward to taking part in pvp if they want to be rewarded. It is directed squarely at pvpers. You can also try a skilling angle such as warband instead of the pvm example I gave. But please, by design either direct the content at clans or against them.

27-Oct-2017 23:57:23

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