I think bounty hunter is needed!
Sustaining Pvp:
Re-introduce the EP system, but into PVP as well as BH. This means there are players hidden in all corners of the map gaining ep but also a potential kill for all players! Sustaining Pvp while adding something new to attract people to the wilderness.
How EP should work:
EP should be gained based on a minimum risk value, and you must gain a certain amount of exp per EP e.g. you train 100k woodcutting xp in a pvp world you get 100% EP or in a hot spot 50k would get you 100%.
EP should be gained in a ratio of 1% per 1000 experience gained in a dangerous PVP zone in BH or on a PVP world.
In hot-spots this figure should be increased to 2.5% EP per 1000 exp gained.
This method of gaining EP means the brawling gloves are helpful in training a skill, but also in gaining EP while you do it! This way people can't just afk for it!
You should obtain the items your opponen is holding (excluding anything coin valued e.g. untradables or coins) but in addition you have a chance (based on EP or if they're your target) to get pvp items, this should include Statius', Morrigan's, Zuriel's and vesta's items and brawling gloves in addition the statuettes and suchlike that were previously found during BH and PVP. Perhaps introduce new ones allowing for a wider variety (500gp to 50m and an extremely rare 100m artifact)
EP Gain and function:
Maximum EP gainable should be OVER 100%, once you reach 100% there will be a guarantee of at least one pvp item/statuette in your loot. Should you get higher EP. 400% you should be able to get up to 4 items in your loot (not always a good one). Should you get less the amount of EP decrease from your drop should be proportional e.g. you get 3 items at 584% EP it is decreased to 284% The cap for maximum EP should be 999%.
13-Jul-2014 01:58:32